Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy

Certain candy flavor combinations seem to go well together. Peanut butter and chocolate. Kiwi fruit and strawberry. But the one that caught my attention at my local H.E.B. was a melding of watermelon and tamarind.
For all you Candy Addicts up to date with your regional candy flavor geography, this mixture should only spell out one origin: Mexico. Tamarind, though originally a Middle Eastern fruit, is typically used as a confectionery flavor in Mexican candy.
This particular candy is called Tiliko Mix, manufactured by the Zumba Pica company. Aside from an awesome name, I can’t really tell you much more about the history of the company, as their whole website is in Spanish, and, well… the Spanish words for “one†through “ten†don’t form complete sentences.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gum,Gummi/Gummy Candy

When your apartment is routinely inundated with candy samples from various companies, it really means something when you consistently return to one box in search of your daily sugar fix. In the past few weeks, that box has been from Fini.
When I first got an email from Fini, I wasn’t sure what to expect from them. They’re a Spanish company and I had no idea what they made or how well they made it. They asked what we’d like to review, and I just asked for whatever they could spare. And boy, did they come through! I got a giant box full of various kinds of candy – gum, filled licorice, gummies, and more. I barely knew where to start! Luckily, that didn’t stop me for long.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Soft Candy,Sour Candy

photos in this post by Anthemic Tangle
For our third entry in our Spring Jelly Bean Hunt, today we bring you original and sour flavor Starburst jelly beans!
Original Flavor
These jelly beans are a bit on the sweet side, but they’ve got enough flavor that you know what you’re eating. Both the original and sour flavors have a bit of a sugary shell – not as thick as the Necco Jelly Beans, but thicker than the Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans. Both have a good texture but be forewarned that for some reason they stick to your teeth a bit.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,Mint Candy,New Candy,Sour Candy,Sugar-free Candy

Orbit Mist is a new line of gum from The Wrigley Company. It’s touted as a premium gum and contains little crystals – called Micro-Bursts – that the Orbit website says will “deliver a hydrating sensation to consumers.”
Now I can only assume that it means “to consumers who purchase and chew Orbit Mist.” When I first read the description, I had a vision of Orbit Mist boxes shooting “hydrating sensation beams” at random consumers in the grocery store. “Hello, ma’am, welcome to Food Land. How are you?”
“I’m good, tha-” (*Hydrating sensation beam fires.*) “Ohhh, I suddenly feel so… moistly healthy…”
Oh, ah-hem, I’m supposed to be writing a review. Sorry…
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Soft Candy

photos in this post by Anthemic Tangle
In the last installment of our Spring Jelly Bean Hunt, we looked at Necco’s entry in the field. Today, we’ll give the Jolly Rancher brand a shot and see how they measure up.
I love Jolly Ranchers. I had a good time eating Jolly Rancher lollipops. So I felt downright gleeful when I saw the Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans waiting patiently for me to buy them at the store.
As soon as I opened the bag, I knew I was in for a treat. This incredible fruity, sweet, candy smell leapt out of the bag enticing me to dive right in and get my jollies.
Just a general note here on how the Jolly jelly beans work: These guys don’t have a sugary outer shell to contend with. They all start out really sweet, and then get tarter as you chew them. I found that it was much better to eat at least two jelly beans at a time, rather than eating them singly.
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