You know, it’s my job to think about candy and candy news. Thanksgiving weekend is not traditionally a candy holiday, but what a perfect weekend this is for candy. It must be the time of year coupled with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, that got me thinking about Bertie Bott’s Jelly Beans and our review of them. Trying those awful beans with my brother reminded me of being a kid and daring each other into eating and doing stupid things. We once talked about trying out for Fear Factor but realized pretty quickly we’d both be done in by the gross foods. It’s funny what brings a family together – bonding over candy. I think that’s what makes candy so appealing to so many people.
A great example of this is Candyman: The David Klein Story showing 11/27/2010 on the Documentary channel at 8 PM, EST and PST. If you’re like me, you’ve probably never heard of David Klein, until now. In fact, though he invented the Jelly Belly jellybean, he isn’t even mentioned by name on Jelly Belly’s website under company history; he is referred to only as “a Los Angeles candy distributor”.
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In my house, the holidays spell candy in a big way. When I was a kid, we’d start making Christmas candy a week or two before Christmas. Now that I have two children with birthdays in early and mid December, we basically have one big party from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.
This year, mainly because of my new Candy Addict status, we decided to begin the candy making before Thanksgiving. I’d like to share a simple recipe with you, and maybe you’d like to start a new family tradition on this Thanksgiving Day. A tradition worthy of a true Candy Addict. Forget football – make candy after dinner!
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Despite being siblings, my brother and I had differing opinions on everything. He was a Los Angeles Dodgers fan while I preferred the Angels. He liked sci-fi stuff, and I… well, I just didn’t like/understand it.
And even on Thanksgiving, the day of the year where all families sit down together, he and I were contentious. You see, my mom had this tradition where she would let one of her kids pick the dessert to create. He always wanted pumpkin pie while I craved blueberry cheesecake. It was always a tempestuous dinner if your dessert wasn’t picked.
All these years later, I still like my preference over his, but in honor of the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is a candy recipe that combines both loves: A blueberry pumpkin cheesecake fudge bar that I call the Harmony Bar.
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