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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Snackerrific Roundup: Snacks And News Go Healthy This Time ‘Round

Categories: Candy Addict Site News


Our sister site Snackerrific has been digging the latest the trends of healthy snacks. Why, in these last few weeks, there have been reviews on yogurt, cookies made from an assortment of whole grains, chocolate-covered bananas, and baked cheese curls.

There’s even an article written explaining the science behind why bed-time snacking isn’t really that good for your waist-size, and when you should eat that snack (or candy) during the day to most effectively avoid the pounds.

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Snackerrific Roundup: Extreme Makeover Website Edition, The Tastiest Mystery Novel, And The Antipodean Cookie Invasion!

Categories: Candy Addict Site News


It seems like just yesterday our sister site Snackerrific was just a little girl. Now, she’s growing up. This popular young lady has even gotten herself a makeover with some flashy animated logos and a new design that just dares you not to get hungry looking at it.

And it’s not just her looks that are maturing. She’s becoming well-read, having finished the mystery book that is compellingly titled The Snack Thief. She’s even educating about the foods of the world by mentioning a cookie from down under known as Tim Tams that are making their debut in the US (side note, OMG! I heart me some Tim Tams and missed them so when I moved away from New Zealand).

And even though she’s prettier and more sophisticated than before, that doesn’t mean she has lost the ability to let loose and have fun with reviews on Breyer’s Triple Chocolate Ice Cream or Buttermilk Ranch Potato Chips. So head on over to see the new Snackerrific and catch up on the latest trends that all you snack fans should know about.

Recent Snackerrific Posts:

Snackerrific Roundup: The New Reese’s of the Snack World, How to Lose Weight Without Trying, and Japaenese Syllabic Poetry!

Categories: Candy Addict Site News


There are moments in your life when a little voice inside you screams for joy when you see a particular snack on the supermarket shelf. For me, my inner, former fraternity boy persona did exactly that this past week. And what could be responsible for such an awakening?

Beer Chips! Yes, that’s right, they now combine the peanut butter and chocolate of the candy world with the equivalent in the snack world. And wait, it’s not just beer. There’s also a Bloody Mary and Margarita variety.

And how did I learn about such an amazing and long overdue snack? On our sister site Snackerrific of course! And for those of you shying away from beer and/or chips, check out some healthy reviews, including a drink that makes you lose weight by consuming it! And no, it’s not beer-flavored.

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Snackerrific Roundup: The Skinny on Free Food, an Unexpected Nutritional Treat, and Something Even Your Mom Would Approve Of

Categories: Candy Addict Site News


I’ve spent the better part of this past month traveling around the country for work. Aside from the fact that it’s a pain not to be able to sleep in my own bed, meals are a burden. Often, I don’t have kitchens where I stay and must resort to heading to the local gas station or supermarket to sate my hunger.

Gas station meals get expensive if you dine there several times a day. That is why I was thrilled to read on our sister site, Snackerrific, an article about the Top 10 Places to Find Free Snacks. Seriously, I read it, went to a bunch of the stores listed, and managed to satisfy my stomach in no time.

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Candy Addict is Three Years Old!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News

Candy Addict logo

First, if you haven’t already, go enter our huge Candy Addict birthday giveaway. I’ll wait here for you to come back…

Wow – I can’t believe it! My candy-coated little baby is now three years old! What began as a website I started on a whim three years ago has grown into something bigger than I could have ever imagined. I’m amazed at how many other people there are out there, people like you, that love candy as much as I do.

There are so many things I could mention as I wax nostalgic… the amazing amount of free candy I’ve received; attending the All Candy Expo (twice); talking with the president of Jelly Belly and a V.P. at Mars (in person); being mentioned in newspapers, magazines, radio, and even appearing on national TV as a candy expert! It just blows my mind when I stop and think about it. I’m no different than many of you reading this, I’m just a guy who likes candy but I happen to have a candy website to prove it.

I was thinking about listing a bunch of interesting/noteworthy things that have happened to me and the site in the past three years (guess what site is #1 on google if you search for gross candy?) but I’m not sure that would interest anyone (maybe it would – Idunno). So here’s what we’re going to do instead…

Let’s do an interview. I’ll be the interviewee. You be the interviewer. Ask me any question you want about candy, candy blogging, running a website, things I’ve learned, etc. Pretend you’re interviewing me. You’re Katie Couric and you have me for a one-on-one interview. Pick my candy-filled brain. If there was ever a question about me or the site you have had, ask it now.

Put your question(s) in the comments below. Depending on how many questions I get, I’ll either answer all of them or if there are way too many, I’ll pick maybe the 20 or so best ones and answer them. The best question, as judged by me, will win a free Candy Addict t-shirt (and maybe some candy too). This is open to people anywhere in the world – I’ll pay for shipping.