Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Candy Reviews,Lollipops,Novelty Candy

I am not what most people would call fashionable. From my short stature to my complete disdain for makeup to a wardrobe described by former neighbors as “like a cartoon character,” I’m probably one of the least chic people you’ll ever meet. But I’m a complete Candy Addict, and am intrigued by pretty much anything new and different that happens in the world of sugary goodness. So when I was given the opportunity to review a lollipop that serves double-duty as a fashion accessory, I wasn’t about to say no.
Judging from its website, the Sugar Company looks to be one of those brands that’s more about style than substance. Most of the products on offer are cleverly packaged, overpriced versions of old standbys easily found in your nearest mall. Chocolate-covered gummi bears, saltwater taffy, licorice mix… solid, dependable candies to be sure, but nothing really unique to the company.
The Sugar Factory’s Couture Pops, though, are their real claim to fame. Comprised of interchangeable, bejeweled sticks and color-coordinated candy heads, these just might be the coolest candy fashion statements on the market right now. They even come with ringing celebrity endorsements. Yep! Britney Spears, the Pussycat Dolls, and Kim Kardashian are all big fans of the customizable lollipops.
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Categories: Candy,Name That Candy

We recently got an email from a reader named Danielle who has been trying to remember the name of a lollipop she remembers from the 90′s in Louisiana. I wasn’t able to find the name of it anywhere online, so I thought I’d throw it out there for all our loyal readers. Can you help her out with the name? Are they still available? Leave a comment and let us know!
I have been searching for a candy online and I cannot find any leads at all. It was a sucker that was possibly 3-4 colors. Red, Green, Yellow, and maybe clear. Shapped like a cone with wax on the bottom. For some reason, “Rocket Pop” sticks out in my mind but I can’t find anything about it online.
Location: South Louisiana
Approximate Year: in the 90′s.
Quantity: Bought Individually
Wrapper: Clear wrap. The candy was in a cone shape and it was just wrapped around with the top folded over and the bottom extended past the candy.
Size: A few inches tall?
Categories: Candy,Candy Recipes,Gum,Lollipops

With spring trying desperately to make itself known, I thought it would be nice to try another of Beth Kimmerle’s crafty candy creations (say that ten times fast!). Today I bring you gum pops, fun treats that are easy to make, fun for kids (and adults!), and great for the season.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gourmet Candy,Lollipops
There are real perks to being the editor of a site like Candy Addict. One of them is getting the chance to read all of our fabulous reviews and articles before the rest of the world. Another is getting to sample most of the candy that our writers receive to review. Unfortunately, sometimes something comes up and our writers can’t complete the review. Then it falls to me to do the honors.
Of course, it helps if I don’t come to this realization only after a marathon apartment-cleaning/box-recycling session. Somewhere amid my giant pyramid of boxes I discovered a medium-size box chock-full of fruit shaped lollipops from Melville Candy Company. A quick mental inventory revealed that these hadn’t been reviewed and were desperately overdue. D’oh! Time for me to buckle down and do some licking!
These were interesting, to say the least. The assortment consisted of seven different shapes and flavors of lollipops, each much larger than your average lollipop (at least 12 inches tall) and beautifully designed. At first glance I thought each one was hand painted or somehow made to be different colors. However, closer examination revealed that the lollipops themselves are only one color, with other colors being printed on the clear wrappers. Still, they look darn nice and very similar to their real-life fruit counterparts. But, the real question is, how do they taste?
Watermelon: This had a very mild watermelon flavor. However, the smell it emits is incredibly strong – the entire box smelled of watermelon as soon as I opened it! The flavor is a lot more mild than the smell; I would have preferred a little more flavor, but it wasn’t bad in any way.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,Lollipops

My love for all things black cherry-flavored originated from living in Los Angeles, haven of Rite-Aids. Now, for those of you who don’t have these drugstores in the states you live in, they are pretty much your CVS or Walgreens – with one exception.
You see, Rite-Aid was originally named Thrifty, a name I actually still use, and they were known for their own brand of ice cream. You might be thinking “Yuck! Drugstore ice cream?†But I assure you that it’s some of the best you’ve ever eaten, with my favorite flavor always being Black Cherry.
As far as flavors go, black cherry is just a specific type of cherry, characterized by its darker and juicier flesh, which tastes more woodsy than the tart of your average cherry. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to consume any since I moved away from Los Angeles.
Passing through a gas station, I spotted Charms Black Cherry Blow Pops. I reviewed the mango-tangerine variety not too long and failed to be impressed, preferring the classic Blow Pops flavors, but I was curious to see how this flavor compared to the original cherry variety.
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