Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy News,Candy Reviews,Top 10 Lists
We here at Candy Addict eat a lot of candy. Over the past year, we’ve reviewed over 260 sweets and treats, but only 14 were deemed worthy of our highest honor: the Awesomely Addictive Candy Award, an award given to candies that truly stand out as being the best of the best. We don’t give this award lightly: this is the Gold Medal of Candy, and is only given to those delicious sweets that earn it.
This year’s list includes something for everyone, in every price range, so if you’re looking for a great candy gift, this list is an excellent place to start. From chocolates to chews to sweet to sour to fancy to simple, we’ve got you covered. Every candy on this list is quite different from the next, but they all have one thing in common: they are Awesomely Addictive.
Categories: Candy,Candy For Kids,Candy Recipes,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy

In my house, the holidays spell candy in a big way. When I was a kid, we’d start making Christmas candy a week or two before Christmas. Now that I have two children with birthdays in early and mid December, we basically have one big party from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.
This year, mainly because of my new Candy Addict status, we decided to begin the candy making before Thanksgiving. I’d like to share a simple recipe with you, and maybe you’d like to start a new family tradition on this Thanksgiving Day. A tradition worthy of a true Candy Addict. Forget football – make candy after dinner!
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy,Holiday Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

I love Christmas. I am a fool for all things holiday. I celebrate September, October, and November 25th as 3 months, 2 months, and 1 month until Christmas, respectively. The tree goes up and the carols come out as soon as the turkey is finished, and December 26th is the darkest day of my year.
To reiterate, I love Christmas. And, have no doubt, that all-encompassing amour most certainly extends to holiday candy, be it candy canes and red and green M&M’s or gourmet assortments with appropriately hued ribbons. So I was Deck-the-Halls, All-I-Want-For-Christmas-Is-You happy to get into the spirit of things a little early this year, in order to preview and review Divine Chocolate’s holiday line of treats for 2008. As I did for my review of their standard products, I again enlisted my chocolate-covered-Christmas loving pals for opinions, and here’s our take on their seasonal goods:
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Categories: Candy,Holiday Candy

(Image Courtesy of Its Candy Bouquet)
Back in June, in my
Top 10 NEW Candy Holidays list, I proposed bringing some additional sweetness to National Candy Month with the introduction of Candy Ramadan – a high holy month for Candy Addicts. Little did I expect that my words would become Gospel (how’s that for further religious bastardization?) for one reader (and self-described “depraved candy slut”), who embarked on a 30-day “religious candy pilgrimage†towards her 30th birthday, making “daily candy offerings†(read: eating candy every day) and humorously detailing it in her
Her amusing posts are basically mini reviews covering candies that span 5 continents (from the regional American Big Cherry to a Japanese candy lacking an English translation) and more than a handful of decades (the classic Cow Tales to the brand spankin’ new Premium M&M’s). Her just-finished month-long journey, marked with delightfully keen descriptions and patented phrases like “violent pink,†“fruit-abetically,†and “like a kid in a porn store,†is a big FU to the dental industry and food pyramid alike and a definite must-read for Candy Addicts. So go check it out, wish her a “Happy Birthday,†make a donation to the Reese’s Piece Corps’ Operation: Af-Candy-Stan (for real!), then click below to read my interview with this disciple.
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Categories: Candy,Holiday Candy,Top 10 Lists

(Image Courtesy of Speak Up Designs)
Don’t get me wrong, I love to eat candy any ole time, but isn’t there just something more fun and exciting about holiday-centric candy? The packages. The seasonality. The memories. The novelty. (Who cares that Peeps have now become our year-round companion? It’s Easter! They’re yellow! Dive in!) And, for that matter, aren’t candy-centric holidays just way better than all others? Don’t bother to answer, you know it’s true.
Sadly, however, our calendar is wildly unbalanced when it comes to candy holidays. Sure, Halloween through Easter is an endless sugarfest, but what of March (or April) through October? Nada. Nothing. With the exception of a possible Mothers Day chocolate box, it is entirely diabetic friendly. Well no longer! Here at Candy Addict we are rewriting the calendar (or at least reassigning the cause for celebration), in order to remedy this candy holiday wasteland. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you, in chronological order… the Top 10 NEW Candy Holidays:
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