If you are easily charmed by the sight of a ribbon-bedecked momma rabbit gazing pridefully upon her brood of eight bunnies (also adorned in pastel-toned, sex-appropriate bowtastic neckware), then you too might be inclined to shell out $12.55 for See’s holiday-inspired box of chocolate what-nots and diddley-doos – officially called the Easter Assortment. This bodacious looking cardboard treasure trove is so cheerfully decorated, in fact, that it successfully tricks you into thinking that you are paying for the mother lode of all Easter candy collections.
Candy Review: See’s Easter Assortment
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Soft CandyCandy Showdown: Cadbury Mini Eggs vs. M&M’s
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Holiday Candy
In these turbulent times, not everyone has the time or inclination to contemplate the meaningful questions in life. There are just some questions that may be so complex, the average person just doesn’t want to take the time and form his own fundamental beliefs. We here at Candy Addict understand this, though, and so we’re going to lay it all out for you, and make these tough personal choices possible. Which is better: Cadbury Mini Eggs or M&M’s? Some may shy away from delving into this potentially explosive topic, but Candy Addict is not afraid. After all, to paraphrase the famous candy philosopher, Socrates, “The unexamined candy is not worth eating.”
Easter Candy Review: Reese’s Pieces Pastel Eggs
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Holiday Candy
I love Reese’s Pieces. I think they’re one of the most under-advertised, consistently satisfying standbys in the candy aisle. When I saw the bright orange, one pound family size bag of Pastel Eggs, my only hesitation came when deciding on whether to put one or two bags in my cart. I decided on one to start. It lasted four days.
In case anyone has somehow passed over regular Reese’s Pieces, here’s the rundown: they’re similar to the size and shape of regular M&M’s and are billed as “peanut butter candy in a crunchy shell.†They’re unlike any other candy I’ve ever had, and are especially good when blended with soft ice cream or frozen custard.
What excited me most about the Pastel Eggs was their shape and size. Unlike lots of candy that just gets a holiday color scheme makeover, Reese’s took the Pieces and made them into egg-shaped candy roughly the size of marbles. I rushed home, slit open the bag, and poured a dozen (the serving size) blue, green, pink, and yellow Pastel Eggs onto a paper towel and got down to business.
Reese’s didn’t disappoint me with their venture into the world of large-size Pieces. They’re just like big versions of the original candy—crunchy, peanut buttery, addictive. The only fault I found is that I felt a little overfull after eating them, but I admittedly ate more than the original dozen on my paper towel.
I think I like regular Reese’s Pieces better, perhaps because there’s more candy shell than on the Pastel Eggs, but I definitely recommend the holiday version for the family candy dish. I don’t know about your usual place to buy candy, but the Wal-Mart shelves were well-stocked with pound bags, and as Easter draws near, it seems like every major retailer adds another shelf of holiday candy. No complaints here!