Easter eggs! This is the time of year when you have oodles and oodles of options. Do you want hard candy shells that protect a layer of chocolate goodness? Or maybe you prefer them filled… with peanut butter? Or marshmallow? Or fondant? Each spring, I become so embarrassingly giddy, so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of delectable eggs available for purchase, that I end up buying a veritable mountain of them – which I then hoard to get me through those long summer months when the only kinds of eggs you can buy are hard boiled or scrambled. Some Easter eggs are so delicious that I can’t imagine hoarding them for any longer than a couple of days. Sometimes, it’s all I can do to keep from ripping into the package while I’m waiting in line at the cash register. See’s Assorted Decorated Eggs are like that.
Candy Review: See’s Assorted Decorated Eggs
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday CandyCandy Review: Caramel Easter Egg Roundup
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy
For me, one of the best things about Easter candy is the plethora of interesting chocolate Easter egg flavors. For some reason, this year I kept seeing caramel eggs everywhere. It’s like the Easter Bunny was laying them in my path in every store I visited. Being a Candy Addict, I couldn’t just ignore that kind of taunting and finally bought a bunch of different kinds to try.
Candy Review: Elmer’s Heavenly Hash Egg
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Holiday Candy
I am fairly certain that marshmallow is the greatest substance in the entire universe. Why marshmallow hasn’t been given a Nobel Awesome Prize is beyond me, but perhaps the best way to celebrate the greatness that is marshmallow is to revel in the explosion of marshmallow goodness that normally takes place around Easter time, when eggs, chicks, bunnies, and other delightfully adorable things all take marshmallow form to bring joy to millions.
I am always on the lookout for random marshmallow candies (preferably chocolate-marshmallow candies, as they are the best) so I was intrigued when I came across an Elmer’s Heavenly Hash Egg, a delightfully old-school confection that I had somehow managed to miss over the past 28 years of my life. But after having one, I can tell you this: I shall never go without an Elmer’s Heavenly Hash Egg again. EVER.
Candy Review: Chutazo Chocolate Eggnog Soccer Balls
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) CandyFrom the folks at Ricolino, who brought you the fun-to-say Bubu Lubu candy bar, comes Chutazo! Chocolate soccer balls filled with “eggnog” flavored goo.
Chutazos are the sporty cousins of Cadbury Eggs with less of the immediate cavity-inducing filling. The Chutazo goo is paltry compared to the Cadbury version, and closer to the color of an egg yolk rather than the contents of a child’s snot-filled Kleenex. If you close your eyes tightly enough the Chutazo filling does taste vaguely of eggnog, with a sustained almond note. Not bad, actually, once you get past the cheap-o chocolate.
Easter Candy Review: Reese’s Peanut Butter White Egg and Peanut Butter Fudge Egg
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy
After reading the Awesomely Addictive raves about Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg, I was ecstatic to find Reese’s Peanut Butter White Egg and Reese’s Peanut Butter Fudge Egg at Walgreen’s for fifty cents each. I generally love all Reese’s candy, and couldn’t wait to get home and try the eggs. I wasn’t sure what to expect – would the peanut butter be mixed with different flavors, or would the coatings just be different from the usual milk chocolate?
I randomly chose to open the White Egg first, and took note of the flat-back egg shape similar to the Almond Joy and Mounds Eggs. The White Egg was solidly encased in an off-white substance that looked and felt a little oily. My excitement dwindled, and I cautiously bit into the candy.