Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Sour Candy

I like a good sour candy and all the weirdness that accompanies eating it…. the lip-puckering, the eye-watering, the body-twitching. Now’s your chance to share your involuntary, sour candy-eating reflexes with the world!
Sour Punch candy announced a contest called “How Far Would You Go?†The winner of the contest gets 5000 big ones, and there are some weekly prizes too. Get all the details on the Sour Punch Facebook page.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways

Okay, that was a little bit of a tease. You can’t win Dylan’s Candy Bar, but you can win a Dylan’s Candy Bar-themed stroller for your wee Candy Addict! and Maclaren are giving away a Dylan’s Candy Bar stroller. Entry into the giveaway is easy peasy. All you have to do is leave a comment on the blog post. Act quick because the winner will be announced June 20th.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways

Instructables is having a DIY candy contest where you can win an iPad!
Everybody loves candy! And we want you to share your favorites with us. Chocolatey, gooey, sticky, or chewy, we want to know what kind of candies make your pulse race. Recreate your favorites, share your grandma’s recipes, or make up something completely new! Create a new Instructable, Photo, or Video sharing your favorite candy recipes and techniques with us for a chance to win a custom-etched iPad loaded up with Instructables eBooks or other great prizes. We can’t wait to see what you make!
They already have a bunch of really cool entries, so check them out and enter yours now! Contest closes for entries at 11:59pm PST, March 13, 2011.
Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways,Candy News,Classic and Retro Candy,Lollipops

I love Tootsie rolls. Absolutely love them. I also like Tootsie Pops, but have pretty much always considered them a hassle because I have to wait so long to get to the delicious Tootsie Roll. Despite all the trouble, I’ve never passed one up. So, when some angel at work brought in a ginormous box of them, I was freakin’ thrilled. Free Tootsie Pops at work? Can this place get any better? Incidentally, yes, because when that box was gone, miraculously, another appeared.
Back to the point of the story – the folks at Tootsie Roll are having a “How Many Licks” to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop sweepstakes. Enter to win $50,000 or free candy – I did! I’m not gonna tell you what my guess was because I don’t want to influence your guess, but I suggest you do a little experimenting yourself. I was less than successful and stopped at about 142 licks – how many can you do?
Categories: Candy,Candy News,Hard Candy,Sour Candy

What’s better than eating candy? Eating candy and supporting the fight to end kid’s cancer! It looks like WARHEADS® has teamed up with St. Baldrick’s Foundation and is sponsoring the organization’s second annual t-shirt design contest. In case you’re not familiar with the organization, St. Baldrick’s Foundation raises tons of money during its fund-raising events and donates it for childhood cancer research. Brave folks who shave their heads bald stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer.

As if supporting a worthy cause wasn’t enough, the winner of the t-shirt design contest will have his or her design on some 60,000 people donning the shirts for head-shaving events. To, ahem, sweeten the pot more, WARHEADS® is giving the winner a 25 oz bag of WARHEADS® Extreme Sour Hard Candy, a WARHEADS® t-shirt, bandana, beanie and water-bottle. Oh, and there a super sweet $250 cashola prize for the winning designer and a $250 donation will be made to the Foundation in the designer’s name. WARHEADS® thinks we’re all winners so the second and third place submissions will also receive the WARHEADS® prize pack and their designs will be sold in the St. Baldrick’s CafePress store. So, check out St. Baldrick’s Foundation and thank WARHEADS® by buying their candy because we should encourage the positive things corporations do, too.