Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Hard Candy,Holiday Candy

After my successful venture from traditional candy canes to Bob’s Blueberry Candy Canes, I felt less skeptical about seeking out another flavor. Though I normally don’t go for watermelon, I found these pink candy canes with green stripes aesthetically inviting enough for me to purchase Bob’s Watermelon Candy Canes from my local H.E.B.
Like its blueberry counterpart, the watermelon variety is the same size as a standard candy cane. Unwrapping it, I smell a scent reminiscent of strawberry jam, which is an odd thing considering watermelon and strawberries aren’t really that similar aside from them both being red….
Despite the smell, the taste is indicative of artificial watermelon. There are many varieties of watermelon-flavored candies out there, so as I sucked on the end of the candy cane, I tried to find a good comparison to better illustrate its taste.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Hard Candy,Holiday Candy

Despite being raised in a Jewish family, the one holiday I anticipated most anxiously the whole year was Christmas. It might seem strange, but it’s the truth. No, it wasn’t that I liked the It’s a Wonderful Life marathons or the endless playing of carols on the radio. The truth is, I adored Christmas candy.
And no other candy represents Christmas to me as much as the candy cane. It’s the one time of the year when I specifically go for something peppermint flavored, even though they’re basically the same as those after-dinner mints, just in a different form.
As I have grown, so too have candy canes. They have branched from their traditional form into new flavors, colors, and fillings. Though I typically purchase the classic variety, this year I felt compelled to mix things up a little.
Staring me down at my local Walgreens was an entire display of candy canes – so many to choose from that it was intimidating. I went back and forth between what to buy, but ultimately, I decided it would be best to try something simple, just like the original. With that framework in mind, I grabbed a box of Bob’s Blueberry Candy Canes and headed to the checkout line.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Hard Candy,Holiday Candy,Limited Edition Candy,Mint Candy

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… especially if you’re a fan of candy canes!
Each passing year seems to bring more and more variety to the candy cane aisle, and 2007 is no exception. This year’s crop of canes covers every flavor from watermelon to popcorn, and with so many choices, it’s hard to pick just one box.
Fortunately, I write about candy, so this wasn’t a problem for me. I walked in to my local drugstore, picked up seven boxes, and merrily went along my way. So now, after a week of eating more candy canes than I care to admit, I’m finally ready to bring you my Candy Cane Roundup of 2007!
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Lollipops
Melding the chocolate chewiness of a Tootsie Roll with the classic crunch of a peppermint candy cane seems obvious, since chocolate and mint have intermingled happily with each other forever, but Candy Cane Tootsie Pops are a new (to me) addition to store shelves. Tootsie Roll doesn’t seem to have a separate webpage for this flavor either, so I’m guessing it’s not going to stick around after December.
Each pop is the same size and shape as a Blo-Pop, and I wonder if they used the same molds to form them. They’re wrapped in clear plastic like a candy cane, which shows off the eye-catching design of the lollipop. Red and white swirls. Very festive and a really nice touch.
I love crunching down on hard candy, and candy canes are no exception. As tempted as I was to get to the Tootsie Roll center, I took one for the team and just licked and spun the pop in my mouth instead. The outer shell is a familiar peppermint flavor. A little sweet, a little minty, and neither side overwhelmed the other. As I got closer to the center, a subtle fudge flavor started to mingle in with the mint. I really liked this gradual introduction of chocolate, which later intensified as more of the center was revealed.
And then? And then I couldn’t help myself. I munched through the rest of the shell and chewed the Tootsie Roll off the stick, which is my usual way of finishing a Tootsie Pop.
I’m a Tootsie Pop fan, and these Candy Cane Pops are a great seasonal addition to the regular lineup. The chewy, chocolatey center mixes much better with peppermint that it does with the regular fruity flavors. So if the idea of eating grape with chocolate isn’t your thing, maybe you can give these Tootsie Pops a try.
Buy Candy Cane Tootsie Pops online:
candy, sweets, tootsie, lollipop, lollipops, candy cane, peppermint
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy,Novelty Candy
Pop Rocks was one of my favorite candies as a kid. It’s one that wasn’t available at every store you went to, so it was kind of special when you got it. The popping candy was simply awesome. Now, Pop Rocks has come out with special Holiday-themed Candy Cane flavor Pop Rocks and when I saw them at my local candy store, I had to get some.
The Rocks themselves are mostly red (cherry?) with some scattered white ones thrown in. I’m pretty sure the red ones are cherry flavored and the white ones are peppermint. I didn’t really like the taste of the mix of cherry and peppermint – it just doesn’t work for me. It didn’t taste like a candy cane, and cherry-mint just isn’t a very good flavor combo.
It’s a good holiday gift and would make a great stocking stuffer for the kids, but I won’t be upset when the holidays are gone and Candy Cane Pop Rocks leave too. Give me some classic Cherry Pop Rocks any day.
Buy Pop Rocks online: