Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream in Columbia, Missouri, announced on their Facebook page on May 31 that their next ice cream flavor would be laced with cicadas. Yeah, the loud, buzzing arthropods that have been emerging from the ground recently. Since then, public health officials have been bugging out. However, the University of Illinois says the little buggers are edible and have an almond flavor.
I gotta say, anything smothered in brown sugar and chocolate must be absolutely delicious. If I weren’t geographically dislocated from Columbia, Missouri, I’d definitely give the cicada ice cream a try. What say you, Candy Addicts? Go or no on cicada ice cream? We have bugs in candy – why not bugs in ice cream?

I have to say, I’m a sucker for a cool looking package. So when I saw these Lightning Bugs gummy candies, I knew I had to try them. I mean, how cool would it be to say I’ve eaten a lightning bug? Nobody has to know they’re gummy and not the real thing.
When I first ripped open this package, I immediately scattered everything out onto the table. The first thing I noticed were these purple tongs that came with the candy, and the batteries were already included, which was a plus. There’s nothing worse than opening something up, only to find that you have to run to the store to get batteries for the thing.
After that I saw about fifteen gummy candies in two different colors; red and yellow. Those were apparently the two flavors: strawberry and lemon. Of course I dug right in and immediately picked one up with the tongs. I squeezed the tongs and sure enough, the gummy lit up.
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