Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gummi/Gummy Candy

I remember that when I first lived in New Zealand I was always experiencing cultural differences that the native Kiwis failed to comprehend about American culture. I mean, they didn’t eat staples like peanut butter and questioned the point of ketchup.
But by far the one thing that drove my Kiwi friends bonkers was my love for cherry. I adore it – ice cream, candy, soda… you name it and cherry makes it better. For some unknown reason, cherry just wasn’t popular down there.
Well, it’s a good thing then that my friends didn’t attend the All Candy Expo and amble by the Gimbal’s Fine Candy booth. Gimbal’s is an interesting small candy manufacturer. They produce a variety of products from jelly beans to Lavaballs, with their factory being certified Kosher and gluten, nut, dairy, egg, soy, gelatin, and transfat free (not all of these products are vegan since some contain bee’s wax).
But of all their products, the one that blew me away the most was their Cherry Lovers. Cherry Lovers is a bag of heart-shaped chews consisting of nine different flavors of cherry. That’s right, nine! Think that’s impossible? See for yourself….
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,Lollipops

My love for all things black cherry-flavored originated from living in Los Angeles, haven of Rite-Aids. Now, for those of you who don’t have these drugstores in the states you live in, they are pretty much your CVS or Walgreens – with one exception.
You see, Rite-Aid was originally named Thrifty, a name I actually still use, and they were known for their own brand of ice cream. You might be thinking “Yuck! Drugstore ice cream?†But I assure you that it’s some of the best you’ve ever eaten, with my favorite flavor always being Black Cherry.
As far as flavors go, black cherry is just a specific type of cherry, characterized by its darker and juicier flesh, which tastes more woodsy than the tart of your average cherry. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to consume any since I moved away from Los Angeles.
Passing through a gas station, I spotted Charms Black Cherry Blow Pops. I reviewed the mango-tangerine variety not too long and failed to be impressed, preferring the classic Blow Pops flavors, but I was curious to see how this flavor compared to the original cherry variety.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Limited Edition Candy,Soft Candy

Tootsie’s Junior Fruit Cremes are probably the most notorious candy to hit the shelves this year, or in recent memory for that matter. Many other candy bloggers have reviewed/lambasted them, and the results have all been the same: abomination (and that’s the nice way of putting it).
So why do you think I wanted to try these after everyone warned me not to? Well, why did anyone go see Sylvester Stallone in a new Rambo movie? In the sagacious words of Mr. Owl, “The world may never know.”
The only thing that prevented me from buying these was that I could not find them anywhere in Austin. Recently, however, I had visited Oklahoma City for work, a place I have never been to before. One of my favorite things about going to a new city is seeing what sort of candy they stock in their supermarkets, gas stations, and drugs stores, as any good candy addict is aware of the regional differences. At the Dollar Tree store, among the outdated and probably expired Carnival Skittles and Coconut 100 Grand Bars (both of which I still bought and consumed), I finally came across Junior Fruit Cremes!
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