Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gourmet Candy,Gross Candy,Lollipops,Weird Candy

There are several ways people approach eating candy. One of the main two is nostalgia for a specific candy and the other is the adventure some candies offer; some people just like enjoying their tried-and-true treat from their childhood and others love to try the newest and craziest candy for the experience. As a true Candy Addict, I fall into both categories. That’s why I was especially excited to find a small box of lollipops from Lollyphile waiting for me on my porch when I arrived home from work a few days ago.
Why all the excitement about a bunch of lollipops, you ask? Well, these aren’t just any lollipops. These come in flavors you won’t find anywhere else: Absinthe and Maple-Bacon. By now you’ve either started to drool on your keyboard (hey, happens to me all the time) or you’ve scrunched up your nose in skeptical repulsion. When I first saw the two flavors, I did both.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy
Today, we have a guest review from Tanna Reynolds reviewing Mo’s Bacon Bar (remember, anyone can guest write for Candy Addict, drop us an email).
If you are fortunate enough to live some 892 steps away from a gourmet chocolate shop like I am, then you would be foolish not to trace that path at least once a week to sample the delicious and sometimes unique candies. I’m no fool, but I’m easily led into temptation by the chocolate’s siren songs. To date, I have sampled my way through 32 varieties of chocolates and returned at least 20 times for chocolate-covered honeycomb, a chocolate with which I am particularly smitten.
On my most recent visit to sample the candy man’s wares (trust me, chocolate is serious business to this shop owner/mad scientist), I found myself both intrigued and repulsed by the sight of a large chocolate bar whose wrapper, adorned with a huge bacon slice and a milk chocolate square, boasted of a most unusual blend of flavors. My search had ended, and $9.00 and some obligatory chocolate talk later, me and Mo’s Bacon Bar were headed for home.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gross Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy
I am amazed at how often bacon and candy cross paths. Candy Addict has done articles on chocolate-covered bacon, gummi bacon, and bacon jellybeans. Now we can add Bacon Mints to the list. When I was offered some Bacon Mints to review, I immediately said “hell, yes!” but wondered what they would taste like.
When the package arrived, it contained two tins of Bacon Mints and two tins of Bacon Flavored Toothpicks (more on those later). Opening the shipping package brought a scent to my nose that I wasn’t prepared for. It was bacony, minty, and had a smell of a hospital. The smell was odd and didn’t hit me as being an appetizing smell.
I opened a tin and took a big sniff and it nearly knocked me over and I don’t mean that in a good way. It was an absolutely awful smell. It’s really hard to describe, but it’s not a smell you want to get a whiff of. At this point I wasn’t really looking forward to trying them, but reviewing candy isn’t all about tasty chocolate – sometimes you must eat some questionable candy.
The mints taste as bad as I thought they would. It was maybe 30 seconds in my mouth and I had to spit it out. It was awful. It’s one of the worst tasting candies/mints I have ever had. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous. I took a tin to work to share with my co-workers too (with fair warning). I set the tin on my cabinet shelf behind me at about 8:00 AM and I could only last til 11:00AM and I had to move them to my car – the smell (even through the closed tin) was overwhelming. Nobody at work dared try them – even the guys that ate crickets with me wouldn’t try them.
My sisters tried them with me one day and we all spit ours out in less than ten seconds. I just tried one more while writing this to make sure the taste was fresh in my mind and palette. Good lord they’re hideous. I’m not sure who came up with the idea of mixing mint and bacon, or who gave the final OK to start making these, but I have to question that person’s sanity. The only good use I can think of for these is hiding ten or so of these in your enemy’s workspace and watching them go crazy trying to find the source of the smell. If I haven’t convinced you not to buy these yet, two tins of 100 mints will run you $4.95. Oh – and for the record – one of my dogs ate one, the other refused.
And the Bacon Flavored Toothpicks? Almost made me gag. Seriously.
I have an unopened tin of the Bacon Mints and an unopened tin of the Bacon Flavored Toothpicks that I must get rid of so leave a comment on this post before Thursday, March 1, 2007 and I’ll randomly draw one of the commenters to get them – be sure and leave a real email address so we can contact you (your email won’t appear on the site). Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.
UPDATE: Congratulations to Austin – he is the winner of the bacony badness!
candy, sweets, bacon, mint, mints, toothpicks, meat, gross
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gross Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy

Yesterday, Victoria reviewed
Fear Factor Gross-Out Gummi Pizza and today I’m reviewing the Pig-Out Platter. Oddly enough, we both independently chose to buy and review Fear Factor candy this week. What are the chances?
I found the Gross-Out Gummy Pig-Out Platter on the close-out rack at my local candy shop. It was normally $2.99 but I got it for 75% off. If it weren’t on clearance, I wouldn’t have bought something that was described as having a “Super Surprise Bacon and other Amazing Flavors.†This squishy gummi “treat†was a true FEAR FACTOR experience.
I opened the bright yellow and black packaging and popped out the plastic-sealed, dinner-platter-shaped gummy. It actually smelled like ham or gross, sugary bacon. Not like a nice maple bacon scent, but like real ham with a sickening sweet twist. It looked like a plate holding a big pig head, and six or so other indefinable brown and pink blobs. If I had to guess what these other things are, I will just say “innards†so as not to fully gross you out.
I took a large bite (it was too big to stuff the whole thing in my mouth and get it over with). It had the texture of the marshmallow gummy treats but then an awful smoked bacon flavor sprang into my mouth. My stomach flipped and I gagged a little while I tried to quickly swallow. My first thought was that I can see why Fear Factor brand candies belong in the Top 10 Grossest Candies. The second bite was worse because I knew that it would taste the same. I finished as fast as my stomach and gag reflex would let me. I beat the challenge.
I have no idea what the other “amazing†flavors were, but what did amaze me is that this candy is still on the market (though it was in the clearance rack). Nasty, nasty, nasty. It’s a perfect gift for your younger cousins, nieces, and nephews so they can dare each other to eat it. It’s not for squeamish adults (unless they have a good sense of humor and a competitive nature). I still can’t get that awful flavor out of my mouth.
Buy Fear factor Candy online:
Gummi Bacon
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - written by
Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,Gross Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,New Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

What is it with candy and bacon? You would think the two would never meet, but they have…multiple times.
Chocolate-covered bacon,
bacon-flavored jellybeans, and now
Gummi Bacon. Serve some Gummi Bacon on a plate with some
gummi fried eggs and you’re well on your way to a well-balanced (gummi) meal.
Uncle Oinker’s Gummy Bacon
Uncle Oinkers Gummy Bacon comes packaged the same way as real bacon. In fact, it even LOOKS like real bacon. But rather than toss it into a frying pan, you can put it right in your mouth and savor it.
The package even has a “window” like real bacon!
(Yes, I know, I used “gummi” and they used “gummy”. I prefer “gummi”. So sue me.)
UPDATE: Now you can get an Uncle Oinkers Tshirt too!
candy, sweets, gummi, gummy, bacon, pork, pig