Candy Warehouse

Old Time Candy - Yummy Candy, Discount Prices - Feel Like a Kid!

Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Candy Addict Staff Writer – Linda

I am actually not a big candy eater. It is other people who are confused, defining chocolate as candy when in reality it is one of the basic elements that are essential to human life, like air and water. But, hey, until everyone else gets with the program, I’ll be reviewing as much chocolate as I can here on Candy Addict.

I am a former college professor, former zookeeper, and current freelance writer, living in the Washington DC area. You can read my blog at

A warning: all my life, it has been my fate that if I really, really, really like a particular product, the manufacturer will inevitably stop making it. I often consider hiring myself out as a product tester, so companies would know not to bother introducing anything that I’m crazy about and that is therefore doomed to fail. So if I review something particularly enthusiastically, well, you’d better stock up.