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Candy Review: Amy’s Organic Andy’s Dandy Candy Crispy

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Amy's Organic Andy's Dandy Candy Crispy
Sweet moogley googley – what a mouthful. Being able to rattle off the name of this treat to the product ordering manager of your neighborhood supermarket or favorite mom and pop shop without referencing a cheat sheet is highly unlikely, so be sure to tuck a tangible reminder somewhere safe. By the end of this review, you’re going to need it. (Other sites refer to it as “Amy’s CRISPY Organic Candy Bar”).

Amy’s should ring a bell with fans of natural and organic convenience foods, snacks, and pantry staples due to their 25 year run as a wholesome eats purveyor. Right. That Amy’s. Now they’ve extended their higher quality, minimally processed credo to the candy biz, which is a huge plus for lovers of sweet midday nibbles.

When I first got my hands on an Amy’s bar, I literally stumbled upon it among the here-today-gone-tomorrow offerings at a regional natural grocer, and if my futile online search for the very same bar is any indication, I better stock up in person while I can. Despite its health food pedigree, this particular candy isn’t even remotely like the other good-for-you alternatives carried in the same aisle – tree bark covered in mockolate it is most definitely not!

Upon sampling this Dandy Candy Crispy candy bar for the first time, prepare yourself for a most enjoyable, chewy-crunchy-chocolatey sensation. Inside the trippy turquoise wrapper adorned with art nouveau lettering, you’ll find two individually dipped, 100% certified organic bars – that in itself, a rather notable coup.

I followed the package recommendation to share my candy-coated wealth with a loved one and while it did make me feel warm and fuzzy for a few moments, I have a confession to make. If I hadn’t sampled 5 other sugary treats prior to my Amy’s experience, I would have been more than happy to gobble up both bars – which amount to 1.5 ounces total – in one fell swoop.

I know – so selfish! – but let’s face it… good sugar is hard to find. For me, that’s the mark of a really worthwhile candy experience – when that “Hell, yeah!” kicks in and you start plotting how and when you’ll be able to get your next fix. Believe me… this is good stuff.

For a relatively modest 100 calories and 6 grams of fat per generous-sized, dark chocolate covered bar, you get a texturally appealing blend of brown rice crisps, roasted almond bits, and vanilla flavored caramel bound together with what my taste buds identified as a perfectly crowd-pleasing dark/milk chocolate blend. While I wasn’t really able to pick caramel out of the lineup, I didn’t really care because amid the powerhouse team of flavors that Amy’s employed, the result was simply just pure, jaw-exercising, uber-tasty candy satisfaction.

Emulating the mouth feel of Hershey’s Whatchamacallit bar without any of the genetically modified organisms, preservatives, or trans-fats, this healthier candy bar upgrade – sweetened with organic cane sugar and organic brown rice syrup – is chock full of delicious flavor and a slightly salty edge that balances out the sweetness just right.

At an easily justifiable $1.59 per package (on sale), Amy’s organic candy bar is admittedly higher in price than mainstream offerings but no doubt, you won’t regret coughing up the extra coinage. With a sizable list of real, recognizable ingredients – every single one of them organic – the quality is more than apparent and the taste yum to the max.

The moral of the story is that you’ll feel mighty pleased about consuming an Amy’s Organic Andy Dandy Candy Crispy – it’s sort of like a legitimately good tasting, genuine chocolate-dipped energy bar minus the pesky oats and/or throat-gagging protein isolate. Just don’t let that cheat sheet out of your sight. You don’t want this sweet delight to become nothing more than a perpetually unrequited love, do you?

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One Response to “Candy Review: Amy’s Organic Andy’s Dandy Candy Crispy”

  1. 1
    Candy Lovin' Liz says:

    I have Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s near by. Will have to see if I can find this there. Sounds soooo yummy!

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