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Advertise Your Business… with Chocolate!

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy

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QR Code ChocolateDepending on your advertising and technology knowledge, you may or may not be familiar with Quick Response Codes, more commonly known as QR Codes. Made up of a matrix bar code that can be photographed and then read with a mobile app, QR Codes link to more information about a company – revealing anything from text to contact info to a website. And now there are chocolate QR Codes!

Yes, you read that correctly. Promotional company Chocolate Graphics uses a patented process to create edible advertising—QR Codes made from 100% chocolate.

Choose from white, milk or dark chocolate, in 1-inch or 2-inch squares. The chocolate is made by Blommer, which I’ve never eaten. So I can’t tell you how it tastes. But Blommer’s website does state that they’re the largest cocoa bean processor in North America…if that influences your buying decision.

Do you think this is a clever marketing tool you can use to “…step into the future!” as it says on the Chocolate Graphics flyer, or do you think it’s just a sugar-coated blessing (i.e., a foolish way of throwing away your marketing dollars)?

The idea is certainly a matter of opinion. But for all of the candy lovers out there, it seems like a reason for us to all run out to business networking events and exchange “cards,” right? To have someone hand you a chocolate QR Code rather than a boring business card seems wonderful.

And rest assured, Chocolate Graphics also makes plenty of other chocolate promotional items that you can also use to attempt to extend your reach.

Of course, if you’d rather just get a chocolate photo of yourself, the Internet also gives you that ability.

The point of this post? Marketing can be sweet!

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