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Candy Review: See’s Assorted Decorated Eggs

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Sees Assorted Decorated Eggs Sliced Open

Easter eggs! This is the time of year when you have oodles and oodles of options. Do you want hard candy shells that protect a layer of chocolate goodness? Or maybe you prefer them filled… with peanut butter? Or marshmallow? Or fondant? Each spring, I become so embarrassingly giddy, so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of delectable eggs available for purchase, that I end up buying a veritable mountain of them – which I then hoard to get me through those long summer months when the only kinds of eggs you can buy are hard boiled or scrambled. Some Easter eggs are so delicious that I can’t imagine hoarding them for any longer than a couple of days. Sometimes, it’s all I can do to keep from ripping into the package while I’m waiting in line at the cash register. See’s Assorted Decorated Eggs are like that.

The eggs come six to a package, all milk chocolate, with three different fillings: Bordeaux, Vanilla Chip, and Chocolate Butter. They’re fairly small, from about the tip of your index finger to the middle joint. Each egg has a cute little flower on top, which the company describes as a “hand-applied decoration.” The white flowers mark the Bordeaux eggs: brown sugar buttercreams that are smooth and rich, with just a hint of caramel. The purple flowers mark the Vanilla Chip eggs, and biting into one is like sampling a mouthful of chocolate-covered batter from your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. And the yellow flowers mark the Chocolate Butter eggs, which are extremely fudgy and sweet, like frosting, only more dense. My favorite is the Vanilla Chip, which, sadly, can be hard to come by except in an Easter mix. The box costs $5.75, so about a dollar per egg.

See’s Decorated Assorted Eggs are a fantastic indulgence, no question about it, but they’re incredibly sweet (especially the Chocolate Butter eggs!) and you’d really only want to eat one per serving. Any more than that, and your eyelids might start twitching from the sugar rush. Even though I’m normally a milk chocolate devotee, I’d be curious to taste the effect a dark chocolate coating might have on the level of sweetness for this assortment.

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: See’s Assorted Decorated Eggs”

  1. 1
    Melanie says:

    My mouth is watering!! Oh, to have a box devoted exclusively to Vanilla Chip…

  2. 2
    Becca says:

    I’d never heard of See’s Candies, but I’m pretty sure I’d love their Chocolate Butter eggs! I might have to put in a request with the Easter Bunny. :)

  3. 3
    HeatherR says:

    I hope the Easter Bunny fulfills your fondest dreams–both of you! But if you’re worried that he won’t, you could always buy these online…. :)

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