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Sour Punch Video Contest: Like sour candy? Get your camera out and win $5000!

Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Sour Candy

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Sour Punch Video Contest

I like a good sour candy and all the weirdness that accompanies eating it…. the lip-puckering, the eye-watering, the body-twitching. Now’s your chance to share your involuntary, sour candy-eating reflexes with the world!

Sour Punch candy announced a contest called “How Far Would You Go?” The winner of the contest gets 5000 big ones, and there are some weekly prizes too. Get all the details on the Sour Punch Facebook page.

“We designed this contest … to give our fans the opportunity to show us what great lengths they’re willing to go to for their favorite sour candy,” explained Kristi Shafer, Brand Manager of Sour Confections for American Licorice Company. “We have been blown away with the creative submissions that Sour Punch® fans have submitted in our past video contests and can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with this year.”

So, Candy Addicts, let’s give Ms. Shafer her money’s worth! Get your cameras and record yourself shoving your piehole full of those sour straws, or doing the Lady and the Tramp with your sweetheart, or the cherry stem-in-a-knot trick with one, or… wait! That’s a good one! I’m outta here to record it!

Meanwhile, leave your big idea in the comments or link to your video after it’s uploaded. Contest ends July 10th, 2011

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