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High-End Edible Chocolate Jewelry

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy

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gold leaf chocolate earrings

Do you love candy so much you would wear it? Any chocoholic jewelry-lover would be enchanted by these chocolate earrings by jewelry designer Wendy Mahr. The Edible Jewelry Collection also offers a chocolate ring, chocolate pendant, and a cluster of chocolates on a necklace. All of the chocolate jewelry is adorned with edible gold leaf flakes.

They’ve been tested in the blazing Miami sun, and they didn’t melt! They stay nice until you, or someone who thinks they’re sexy, takes a bite! Keep them in their adorable box that they arrive in between wears and away from the heat, and you can wear them several times! They’re a great conversation starter!

After you eat the jewelry, you can send it back to have the chocolate replaced with long-lasting pearls or other stones.

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5 Responses to “High-End Edible Chocolate Jewelry”

  1. 1
    Emily says:

    Wow. That’s totally crazy. It seems like a lot to spend on something you’re going to eat, but it’s a unique idea.

    I had to repost this- it was so awesome!

  2. 2
    Danny says:

    They’re grrrreat! They taste and look fantastic. But you should really check out our non-edible jewelry too! Thanks for posting! Visit us at Have a great day!

  3. 3
    Charm Bracelets Zone says:

    I wonder is Wendy Mahr makes charms for charm bracelets.

  4. 4
    Michael Dym says:

    Yum edible Jewelry. I would get the girlfriend this any day cause then i could kiss hem off. Fantastic and very cute ideaGoldis Jewelry

  5. 5
    Elma Dowda says:

    Wow!! That looks so tasty and delicious!! I’ll probably just eat is straight away

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