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Candy Review: GoNaturally Blood Orange and Iced Mint Mango

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Hard Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

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Hillside Candy Go Naturally Blood Orange Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a brand of candy that was actually good for you and did more than just cause your teeth to fall out? Unfortunately, no such candy exists, but the folks at Hillside Candy have come awfully close with their “healthier-for-you” Go Naturally hard candies. These organic bad boys are free of gluten, free of preservatives, and made without high fructose corn syrup. Recently, two new flavors, Blood Orange and Ice Mint Mango, have been added to the Go Naturally line-up, but without all the unhealthy-but-delicious parts, do these candies taste any good? They do! The Blood Orange flavor tastes like… well… oranges. I’ll admit, I’m not quite sure how blood oranges differ from regular oranges in terms of flavor, but if this candy is to be trusted, blood oranges are sweeter and less tart.

Hillside Candy Go Naturally Iced Mint Mango The Iced Mint Mango flavor is interesting. I expected the mango to be the dominant flavor, as it’s the ingredient that’s featured most prominently on the bag, but the mango takes a backseat on this one. These candies are primary minty, but you can taste an undeniable sweet and fruity flavor if you’re looking for it.  I also want to use the word “faint” to describe this flavor, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you put enough ice in a drink, the flavor will be diluted, so it makes sense that the Iced Mint Mango candies taste a little watered down. 

Both flavors last for a very long time, but if you’re impatient like me, you can chew into them after a little while for that extra burst of fruity or minty goodness. So if you’re looking for some ”healthier-for-you” organic candy, I’d highly recommend giving these two flavors of Go Naturally a try. Actually, it doesn’t matter if you’re looking out for your health or not! Try some anyway! They taste great.

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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