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Jelly Belly Wants You To Eat Your Peas and Carrots

Categories: Candy,Candy News,New Candy,Soft Candy,Weird Candy

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jelly belly peas and carrots mellocreme

Next month, Jelly Belly will be launching a new Peas and Carrot mix designed to look like the ever (NOT) popular vegetable side dish. The candy peas and carrots will not be jellybeans but will be mellocremes in apple and orange sherbet flavors (which is MUCH better than candy that actually tastes like peas or carrots – blech!). Look for these on store shelves in February of 2011.

jelly belly peas and carrots mellocreme bag

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6 Responses to “Jelly Belly Wants You To Eat Your Peas and Carrots”

  1. 1
    The Impulsive Buy » NEWS: Jelly Belly Tries To Get Edgy By Going Veggie, Reggie says:

    [...] Candy Addict Image via flickr user stevendepolo / CC BY [...]

  2. 2
    Kat says:

    You know, I think I’ll try these… I love mello cremes anyway so it’d totally be worth it.

  3. 3
    D Allen says:

    Yum to both, the candy and the real veggies!

  4. 4
    Julia Minamata says:

    This is totally adorable. I would love to have this sitting on a shelf just to admire it! I welcome any further efforts by Jelly Belly in the field of candies that look like other foods.

    Can we please have a version of the Pea and Carrots that includes the wee corn niblets? Maybe a pineapple or banana flavour?

  5. 5
    » Fancy (And Some Not So Fancy) Food Chef2Chef Community Blog: Featured Chef and Food Blogs says:

    [...] anyone, Tabasco chocolate that was little more than waxy chocolate with a burning finish, and a new peas and carrots candy from Jelly Belly that was so inedible, I think its purpose was to convince kids to actually eat [...]

  6. 6
    Krystal says:

    what if the candy was also vitamin infused. not so much that it would be considered a supplement but so that they would actually get something out of it. i love the Idea and can’t wait to try it.

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