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Candy Review: U Oughtta Be On Chocolates

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U Oughtta be on Chocolates

What’s better than chocolate? My face on chocolate! Or your Grandma, favorite pet, or company logo on chocolate. U Ougghta be on Chocolates is just the company to make that happen. The nice folks who run the company took a few of my cherished photos and presto magic- they’re now 100% edible! They look great -even better than in my photos here- and made a great impression with my extended family who was delighted by it. We talked about how my Grandma never would have imagined she’d ever see herself on a chocolate one day. I think I was the favorite grand-kid that day! Grandma on chocolate

And of course, here are my in-laws’ dogs!
Dogs on chocolate

Check out the Candy Addict logo!!
Candy Addict on chocolate

So, yeah, they’re cool, but how’s the chocolate? Well, I was curious to find out what the layer on the chocolate would taste like and if there would be any taste from the ink. There was no discernible taste from the ink and the layer that the image is printed on is a pretty solid piece of sugar that melts quickly in your mouth. It reminds me of the decorations you buy at a grocery store to put on a kid’s (or my) birthday cake. So, in essence, it’s CANDY on CHOCOLATE which makes it a candy bonanza! The chocolate itself is so-so and reminds me of any hollow bunny you’d find around Easter. But, the cool factor totally outweighs the mediocre chocolate. I certainly wouldn’t worry about it not being good enough quality, though. The transfer of the picture is fantastic and I can’t believe I’m about to say this about my one true love, but, the chocolate is secondary.

It’s fun, it’s unique, it’s customizable and personalized- it’s U Outta be on Chocolates- and a 5 BonBon rating for those reasons! Five BonBons

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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