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Candy Review: Pretzel M&Ms

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Pretzel M&Ms

I just can’t stop myself. I am supposed to save a few of the Pretzel M&Ms for my roommates, but I can’t stop eating them. I can already see the disappointment in their faces as I say “But, you don’t understand. There are little bite-sized, salted pretzels in the middle.” I wince as I explain “Chocolate-coated little pieces of heaven, I tell you.” I actually just poured out the bag so I could eat the crumbs and then return the four little delicious M&Ms to the bag to share with them. I hope I can resist them. Maybe I can put them somewhere and then forget them. Maybe I’ll leave little enigmatic notes that we will have to decipher later to find the lone Pretzel M&Ms.

I didn’t think it would come to this-that it would be this hard to not eat the whole bag. My thoughts are that all M&Ms are at least average or above and I expected these to be somewhere on that spectrum. I do enjoy a small bag of Peanut M&Ms from time to time, but usually M&Ms aren’t my favorite Go-To candy. These are different. It’s funny, I wasn’t really impressed with the first one I tried because I had just popped it in my mouth and chewed. Eh, nothing special, I thought. But, when I sucked the candy-coating off and the chocolate started to melt away and uncover the slightest saltiness…. Eureka! That is fantastic! Inside the M&M lies a lightly-salted, golden-brown nugget of a pretzel. It’s a fabulous salty/sweet combo that was just what my taste buds were looking for and delighted to stumble upon. I didn’t even know I was craving salty/sweetness until I felt satisfied by this treasure.

With great difficulty, I closed up the bag of the remaining Pretzel M&Ms and with great resolve put them aside for my roommates. Without a doubt, Pretzel M&Ms will have a place in my future (a very near future if they don’t eat them tomorrow!) and I give them a well-deserved 5 BonBons!

Five BonBons

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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17 Responses to “Candy Review: Pretzel M&Ms”

  1. 1
    GinsuVictim says:

    They’re okay. I prefer the peanut ones over them.

    If I want pretzels and chocolate, I’ll make my Rollo turtles. Just take mini pretzels, place them on a baking sheet, place a Rollo on each one, then place in the oven at 325° until slightly melted. Press your favorite nut of choice into the top to mush it down (optional: drizzle with almond bark), then place in fridge until cool.


  2. 2
    thelaw1337 says:

    these taste awesome

  3. 3
    So Good Blog/News Round-Up 7/15/10 | So Good says:

    [...] Pretzel M&M’s? [...]

  4. 4
    Vinny says:

    I tried these; they were alright. They weren’t anything like I had expected, however. I enjoy the peanut M&M’s much more than these. I can understand how some people would love them, though.

  5. 5
    laura says:

    these are good if you’re in the snacking mind frame. but i prefer dark chocolate peanut mm’s when i want candy.

  6. 6
    TwizzlerHiccup says:

    Oooh, these look awesome! I have yet to try them, but I am a huge fan of pretzels+chocolate, so I think I’m just resisting on behalf of my diet :) Next time I splurge, though, I plan on heading straight for these. Seeing this light blue packaging they’re using for these reminds me of Crunchy M&M’s. Does anyone remember those? They used to be my prefered choice of M&M, but I suppose I can settle for pretzels.

  7. 7
    Pam says:

    I thought they were just so-so. Prefer the almond or peanut.

  8. 8
    Brian says:

    I too thought they were ho-hum – I have had much better M&Ms in the past. To each his own :)

  9. 9
    Sparkina says:

    Both my mother and I thought these little confections were absolutely divine! It WAS a severe test of willpower not to finish the bag in one go! If only my local market carried these delectable tidbits in SINGLE-SERVE SNACK BAGS!

  10. 10
    JC says:

    This does not sound like a good combination at all. M&Ms shouldn’t go that far away from who they are ….I will not buy this candy mixture thingy…I feel like I wouldn’t be eating an M&M at all.

  11. 11
    Bill says:

    My wife was seeking these out because of coupons she had. I went to the pantry to try them…. They’re all gone….

  12. 12
    u8mypinkcookies says:

    cool!!!! i wish they’ll have it available in the Phils. :P

  13. 13
    A says:

    Checkout this video where the kid uses the dye from M&Ms for makeup!

  14. 14
    Derek Despie says:

    Ironically, “Pretzel M&M’s” never have any yellow M&M’s at all.

  15. 15
    Janelle says:

    Although I love the salty/sweet combo, Pretzel M&M’s weren’t chocolatey enough for this chocoholic. Give me plain M&M’s any day.

  16. 16
    Eston says:

    i have to say that pretzel m&m’s is the nastiest candy that ive eaten and i love m&m’s and i like pretzels too.the both of them together is definitely not a perfect combination.

  17. 17
    Bioterror says:

    I love the pretzel M&M’s, but despite the light blue wrapping, they’ll never replace the Crispy M&M’s they discontinued. Those were absolutely delicious.

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