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All Candy Expo 2009 – Part 2

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Well, Day 1 of the All Candy Expo is officially over, so I thought I’d share with you the most amusing part of the day. At the Mars press conference, we got to see this very funny “public service announcement” featuring Neil Patrick Harris. It’s part of the Real Chocolate Relief Act we reported on a couple of weeks ago.

Just to refresh your memory: from now until September, Mars is giving away 250,000 free coupons for full size chocolate on Fridays at That’s a total of 7 million bars of free chocolate! In addition, there will be special events at various cities, and some great savings on Mars chocolate at your local stores. So go check it out and enjoy some good Mars chocolate – still mockolate-free!

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3 Responses to “All Candy Expo 2009 – Part 2”

  1. 1
    Cadence says:

    I love Neil Patrick Harris – he cracks me up. Thanks for sharing the video! And thanks for the Chocolate Relief reminder. Now I have another reason to love Fridays.

  2. 2
    Spinner says:

    I commend Mars on their excellent choice of spokesman. I have a love for NPH that knows no logic–or bounds, it turns out, because I’m just as ghey as he is.

  3. 3
    Candy Addict » Candy Review: Coconut M&M’s says:

    [...] chemically, despite the words “Artificial Flavor” printed on the wrapper. And the chocolate is real chocolate, which Mars promises in all their products. I really think these will appeal to coconut lovers and [...]

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