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Candy Review: Tiliko Mix

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy

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Tiliko Mix

Certain candy flavor combinations seem to go well together. Peanut butter and chocolate. Kiwi fruit and strawberry. But the one that caught my attention at my local H.E.B. was a melding of watermelon and tamarind.

For all you Candy Addicts up to date with your regional candy flavor geography, this mixture should only spell out one origin: Mexico. Tamarind, though originally a Middle Eastern fruit, is typically used as a confectionery flavor in Mexican candy.

This particular candy is called Tiliko Mix, manufactured by the Zumba Pica company. Aside from an awesome name, I can’t really tell you much more about the history of the company, as their whole website is in Spanish, and, well… the Spanish words for “one” through “ten” don’t form complete sentences.

Tiliko Mix is a fruit-based candy that is difficult to peg; it can be classified somewhere between gummy and leather fruit straps. I wish there were a popular American equivalent, but a really thick Fruit Roll-Up comes close.

This three-inch long strap is comprised by half of it being a strip of neon green (watermelon flavor) joined with a darker red (tamarind flavor) strip. It’s a bit tricky getting it out of the wrapper without ripping a part the candy or destroying the shape of the candy.

Once I finally had the thing peeled, slightly bent and torn from my attempt, my hands were a bit sticky. However, compensating for the stickiness factor was an alluring smell of fruit. I doubt they use actual fruit in these, but at least it smells as if they do!

I began by tearing off a small chunk of the tamarind half. There is a delightful bitterness to it (part salt, part alkali in flavor) that intensifies to a very mild spice, which is actually the intensity level a tiny cartoon on the wrapper indicates it should be.

Aside from the bitterness, there’s a play of sweet and sour components, which really enhances the complexity of the fruit flavor. I’ve never consumed tamarind outside of candy form, so I am unsure how to gauge its authenticity in taste, but regardless, I enjoyed it.

The watermelon half retains the standard artificial watermelon flavor – sans the sour part. I am not crazy about watermelon, but it blends nicely with the heat of the tamarind, making a splendid combination.

I preferred eating the tamarind on its own, but the mixing of the two is good nonetheless. I wouldn’t be too happy about watermelon as a singular flavor.

The piece refrains from treading into overly-sugary waters, so the potency of it won’t attack your throat; however, it is comprised of a chalky consistency, which is really the only major fault I found. Even those who normally shun Mexican candy might find these quite appealing, just as long as you’re open to a little spice and nuance of flavor.

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2 Responses to “Candy Review: Tiliko Mix”

  1. 1
    Jim says:

    “Tamarindo” spiced candy is all over metro Atlanta. The Mexican candy stance is a brave mixture of spicy/salty/sweet as opposed to our specifically sweet OR sour preferences.

    I find that the extra salt/alkali aspects keep me from eating too much Mexican candy. Maybe that’s the whole idea.

    My Chinese and Peruvian friends have also commented on how overly sweet food (and not just candy) is in the U.S.

  2. 2
    korollocke says:

    I’ve had bad experiences with mexican candies.

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