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U.S.S. Enterprise Star Trek Gummies

Categories: Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,New Candy,Novelty Candy


star trek gummies

In case you hadn’t heard, the new Star Trek movie is coming out today, and I am one Candy Addict who just can’t wait to see it. I’m not only a Candy Addict, but a geek too! Star Trek is a huge licensing/merchandising opportunity for products (like Star Trek t-shirts) and candy is even joining the fray too.

We wrote about some Star Trek gummies a little while back and the Limited Edition Star Trek Pez is already out and now we find out about more Star Trek candy: Star Trek USS Enterprise Gummi Candy.

We don’t have too much information about them other than they are $5 for a bag (they better taste good at that price) and the extremely cheesy copy on their website:

Delicious Star Trek Enterprise Gummi Candy. The U.S.S. ENTERPRISE has searched the Galaxy for only the finest ingredients and natural flavors to make these flagship miniatures. These Gummi treats are sure to create a galactic explosion of fruity flavors in the mouths of big and little aliens everywhere!

We’ll get a review posted on Candy Addict if we can get our hands on some.

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4 Responses to “U.S.S. Enterprise Star Trek Gummies”

  1. 1
    Jgarrett says:

    I know what I have to purchase next. I was in the mood for sweets and Candyaddict has always been the place for my next sweet fix.

    Limited Edition Star Trek Pez – I bought mine at CVS. I saw it on the shelf and had to have it. (haven’t seen the new movie, but I hope it doesn’t let me down too much)

  2. 2
    bryan phillips says:

    I got a few bags the end of last year an they are great, both bags were gone quick after my office mates found them. An I gave some away to trekie clients and they flipped out over them. Highly recomended!!!! ( also got the belt buckle and it draws alot of rav’s)

  3. 3
    Pam Walter says:

    Cute idea! Good to know they actually taste good too!

  4. 4
    Summer Starling says:

    Gahhhhh! Must have candy! These look really cute, but im afraid my dad will get into the candy, like he always does.

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