Candy Warehouse

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A Celebratory Tootsie Giveaway!

Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways


Tootsie Roll

That’s right, folks, Candy Addict is BAAAAACK! While there are still a few glitches here and there, the Candy Addict you know and love is nearly back to her old self. Everything might look the same to you, but behind the scenes there have been a lot of changes. We’re still ironing out some details, but for all intents and purposes we’re back to our old selves. And ain’t we purty?

Anyway, to celebrate our return to normalcy (or what passes as such around here), we’re offering our THIRD giveaway of the month! This time around the fabulous folks at Tootsie have offered a candy basket assortment with different Tootsie candies! How great is that??

As a big thank you to all of you who stuck with us through our downtime, this contest is going to be really simple. To win, all you have to do is leave a comment on any post between now and midnight, April 30, 2009. That’s it! One random entry will be chosen from all entries that have some sort of substance (meaning one-word comments aren’t going to cut it).

The fine print, as always: You must be over 18 to win. Don’t spam our site, because if you do, you won’t win. Anything. Ever. Seriously, don’t do it. You must live in the lower 48 (which means if you live in Alaska or Hawaii, you’re out of luck, though at least you have nice scenery). If you don’t respond to our notification email within two days your prize will be awarded to someone else. In other words, make sure you use an email address that you’ll remember to check!

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118 Responses to “A Celebratory Tootsie Giveaway!”

  1. 1
    Brian says:

    I sooooo wanted to post something with the subject of “Don’t call it a comeback” :) (sorry, my love of 80s rap is showing).

    Brian (Candy Addict owner)

  2. 2
    Bonney says:

    Tootsie Rolls are my favorite!! No melting and lots of good chewing; I love them!!

  3. 3
    Mike says:

    Tootsie Rolls! YEA!

  4. 4
    Chris says:

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. 5
    Delia says:

    Yay for fixing the site! I like this fun layout much more than the plain, temporary one.

  6. 6
    Jenny says:

    I have just learned about your website it is so neat and it has lots of good information on it. Thanks for all you do!

  7. 7
    Justin says:

    Thank goodness the site is back to normal! Candy Addict is a site I visit everyday and seeing it in such a miserable state made me sad…but now that it’s back to normal I can resume reading it to fuel my fiendish candy addiction!

  8. 8
    Lauren says:

    I love Tootsie Rolls and Tootsie Pops, I love going to Parades and catching the good stuff including Tootsie Rolls I love the big thick ones they are the best. The fruit roll which most throw out are ok but Tootsie Rolls are the best.

  9. 9
    Shannon says:

    yay! So glad that you guys are back online! Was missing my daily candy updates.

  10. 10
    Connie says:

    Woot! :D Tootsie Rolls are so yummy. Lol. Thanks!

  11. 11
    ang says:

    ooooo tootsie rolls… omnomnomnomnomnomnomnom

  12. 12
    Carla Pullum says:

    Wow this is a cool site and I love candy!

  13. 13
    Tracie Conerly says:

    love tootsie rolls!!!!!

  14. 14
    Dan Neitzel says:

    YAY!!! it is soooo good to have Candy Addict back!!

  15. 15
    Bear Silber says:


  16. 16
    Alyssa says:

    Hey! Good to see the site back to its old (but new and improved) self. I look forward to bringing Candy Addict back into my daily blog-reading rotation!

  17. 17
    Fae says:

    Mmm.. I never get tired of Tootsie Rolls!

  18. 18
    JR says:

    Yum, free candy!

  19. 19
    Rachel says:

    Yay! I am so glad the site is back up to full speed!

  20. 20
    Justin says:

    Welcome back! I was with you throughout the transition!

  21. 21
    Jeff says:

    LOVE Tootsie Rolls!!!

  22. 22
    Amanda says:

    Welcome back! So glad things are (semi) back to normal =)

  23. 23
    eskaton says:

    Glad to have you back. Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. 24
    RatsAndJen says:

    Congrats on the hard work, and thanks for the cool giveaway!

  25. 25
    Michael C says:

    Whatever it is I think I see…

  26. 26
    Joe Shmo 101 says:

    Wow! I was wondering about the new look the site had going… but back to the inviting outlay that is Candy Addict! This is the first contest I’ve caught wind of, so it’s pretty awesome! I intend on reading a lot more reviews in the near future.

  27. 27
    anntje says:

    i don’t think i know a single person that dislikes tootsie rolls. they are such a unique candy, i don’t know of any other sweet even remotely similar. as far as chewy chocolate candies go- tootsie rolls are definitely the best. so many other candies have come along with the same concept- but most are pale in comparison!

  28. 28
    Michelle says:

    Yeah!!! You’re back!!

  29. 29
    Philly says:

    Welcome Back!! ^___^

    When I first saw the picture of the Tootsie Roll, I thought it was a pillow :P I guess that would be a pretty easy pillow to make… just need a rectangle piece of cloth, some stuffing in the center, and tie the ends off :o

  30. 30
    Lanie says:

    Glad you’re back! I’d seriously have to hid the tootsie rolls if I won. I don’t mind sharing, just not my candy!

  31. 31
    Renata says:

    Tootsie Rolls were my ABSOLUTE fave as a kid, and I still love em!!

  32. 32
    Jen says:

    I love tootsie rolls! I love the classic chocolate, but probably prefer the fruit rolls. Yum. I wish those we easier to find.

  33. 33
    kathy says:

    Sometimes I can go for a month without a tootsie Roll. But, then the hunt is on to get the biggest bag I can find. If you have not eaten a tootsie roll lately you are missing out on a taste that can only be described as a chocolate delight, plain,simple, but a delight. Even in a tootsie Pop, which lasts about 4 licks for me before I MUST BITE INTO THE CENTER. Love your site, it helps me stay current with the world of candy without actually having to buy everything. Some of your descriptions have left me searching for the website to purshase these delights. Keep up the good work

  34. 34
    Jessica says:

    Yay! I am so happy to see the site back to its original glory! Love the site, thanks for working so hard to restore it!

  35. 35
    Chelsea says:

    Toostsie products are one of may favorite candies! YUMM

  36. 36
    ButterflyKyss says:

    I knew the patience would pay off! I’m so excited you guys are back online (and might I add, looking better than ever!), and I’m having a blast reading through all the new reviews!

  37. 37
    Carolyn G says:

    Oh yum tootsie rolls!!

  38. 38
    Jody says:

    My 1 year Grandaughter eats a at leats 10 Tootsie Rolls a day. So I am for up to winning some!!! Does anyone else remember a Tootsie Pop filled w/ carmel? I loved those as a kid.

  39. 39
    amy says:

    boy, i really missed you. so glad you’re back. and i love tootsie rolls and the frooties.

  40. 40
    stephen says:

    gotta love any type of candy giveaway. and i love any type of candy. thanks for the reviews and the giveaways.

  41. 41
    mindy says:

    so happy you are back and thanks for this “sweet” giveaway

  42. 42
    June says:

    I have enjoyed tootsie since I was a child, 5 decades ago. These last so long. The grandkids are now hooked on them. Our family favorite of all time.

  43. 43
    Carol says:

    Here’s my post: I need Tootsie Tootsie Tootsie Rolls, I am a candy addict.

  44. 44
    Scot says:


    I love dem Tootsie Rolls! I’d love dem even more if I got a free basket. ;-)

  45. 45
    Mindie says:

    Welcome Back! Love Tootsie Rolls.


  46. 46
    Betty King says:

    Tootsie Rolls, arent they everyones favorite candy? Well, at least people my age would think so.

  47. 47
    Alexandrea M says:

    O M G – are there vanilla tootsie rolls in there? If I could find a source for just chocolate and vanilla ones without all those other random flavors thrown in I would be a very happy girl!

  48. 48
    Courtney says:

    Tootsie Rolls get stuck in my teeth, but I still love them! I enjoy visiting this blog to learn about those elusive candies one cannot normally find…


  49. 49
    Michele C says:

    Thank you for the contest. We love tootsie rolls!

  50. 50
    Tracy says:

    I think that Tootsie Rolls might be the only candy I have ever seen immediately damage someone’s teeth rather than just cavities (a friend lost a crown to some of my Halloween loot), and yet I still can’t hold it against the little guys. The originals are tasty, but the vanilla and fruit-flavored Midgees are the bees knees!

  51. 51
    MRS.MOMMYY says:

    yummy sugar for the tummy!

  52. 52
    Debra B says:

    Thanks for hosting this very tasty giveaway, Would love to win some tootsie rolls, we love them
    thanks again

  53. 53
    Cindy says:

    What a great giveaway, and great site. Tootsie Rolls are a childhood favorite of mine! Thanks!

  54. 54
    LJ says:

    I grew up with Tootsie Rolls — always loved them as a kid and even still do today at 40 years old. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. 55
    quiltingreader says:

    I love Tootsie Rolls!

  56. 56
    Gayle says:

    I am addicted to Tootsie Rolls! I buy some every week. They have to be the original ones . thanks for the giveaway.

  57. 57
    Betty C says:

    Who doesn’t love Tootsie Rolls! I like to get the chocolate Tootsie Pops to take to work. They make a nice little snack while I’m hard at work.

  58. 58
    crystal adkins says:

    I’m such a candy addict, I really enjoy following your blog! Sooo many perks for you :)

  59. 59
    reva skie says:

    Mama said knock you out!! My love for the 80′s rap runs deep. Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. 60
    christina singer says:

    tootsie rolls are still one of my faves. i have been addicted for 30 years

  61. 61
    Elizabeth Weiss says:

    I know your birthday was on the 26th, but I wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday!

  62. 62
    Ellie says:

    What a yummy giveaway. Thanks. Good Luck all.

  63. 63
    Emilie says:

    Congrats on being back, and yay for tootsie rolls!!!!

  64. 64
    Paula H says:

    Tootsie Rolls are so good.

  65. 65
    jazmine says:

    i love tooties rolls i have like a million and one of the old school banks tooties rolls came in.

  66. 66
    Allison M. says:

    We LOVE Tootsie Rolls in this house. Any time of day. :) Thanks for the chance!

  67. 67
    Gwen L says:

    Mmmm, Tootsie Rolls! Following a brief fling with the Tootsie Pops, I’ve returned to my first love, the classic Roll. Try this: take a bite of Tootsie Roll, then pop a toasted almond into your mouth and savor the chewy-crunchy flavor sensation!

  68. 68
    cassadee says:

    pretty sure I stayed with you guys the whole transition (: only problem is, I live in Australia! :\’( no tootsie rolls for me!! But I do love them (:

  69. 69
    Melissa says:

    Yummy! I love Tootsie Rolls . . . Chewy and Chocolately . . . what could be better!

  70. 70
    Jill says:

    Welcome Back!! Indeed a lot work goes into keeping websites up and running. Nothing a like sugar can’t fix!!

  71. 71
    carole says:

    always my favorite……TOOTSIE ROLLS

  72. 72
    chris swan says:

    Yummy Tootsies!

  73. 73
    cheryl kellery says:

    love the fruit flavored Tootsie rolls

  74. 74
    Nora McGInley says:


  75. 75
    Shellie Seering says:

    Welcome back….gotta love free candy!

  76. 76
    beth shepherd says:

    Thank you for a great giveaway. I would love to win.
    Thank you

  77. 77
    Candy Addict » Easter Candy Giveaway at the Candy Dish Blog says:

    [...] you’re not tired of trying to win free candy (enter our giveaways here and here), head over to the Candy Dish Blog for a chance to win some more free candy. In all, there [...]

  78. 78
    Charity says:

    Gee… this along with the major mention of Tootsie Rolls in a headline in the NY Times last week about people turning to candy in times of economic strife and general stress, has Tootsie making big PR wins this month!

  79. 79
    Trish says:

    I found the site through a search for the Seven Up candy bar. Any site that has a whole page on this candy bar will have many return visits from me!

  80. 80
    Tonya says:

    what ever it is i think i see becomes a tootie roll to me was my all time favorite commercals

  81. 81
    ty says:

    candy addict….now this site is much more truer to my nature than facebook……tootsie rolls have always been around me for more than i can remember….i still use my tootsie rool bank…..

  82. 82
    Trisha says:

    omg, i can tell my tootsie roll story. well. when i was a kid, like 9 yrs old, it was xmas and i was buying my cousin a tootsie roll bank (the one filled with tootsie rolls) well i was in a different line so she wouldnt see me. well what i thought were firecrackers went off and ppl started running and screaming. the store was being robbed!! i crawled on my hands and knees til i found my grandmother. we came out ok, but thats my tootsie roll story!!

  83. 83
    Brooke says:

    OMGoodness do you realize that my husband ALMOST saw this site last night… Egads! If he did there would be no helping me… The man loves candy and if always bringing home candy for me that I never get… This is my little guilty pleasure and I don’t want to share it with him.. hehehee.. BTW how you get everything ironed out soon..

  84. 84
    Kelly Ann T. says:

    Tootsie rolls are loved the world over and I want to thank you for the generous giveaway. When I was a kid we had a mold press that you put tootsie rolls into and then they came out in really cool shapes such as pumpkins, santas etc. I would love to find one of those old presses but I’ve never had much luck.

    Good luck with your blogs new looks and Happy Spring.

  85. 85
    Melissa Jaquays says:

    I named my first baby horse or foal “Tootsie” need I say more.

  86. 86
    Jessica says:

    mmmm raspberry tootsie pops are the BEST!!!

  87. 87
    Karen says:

    My kids love tootsie rolls, particularly the small flavored ones, like orange, vanilla, lemon, etc. They got a bunch for halloweeen and have been hooked ever since!

  88. 88
    Sue P says:

    i go back to the penny candy days at WOOLWORTHS what memories picking out the candy getting it weighed and paying our hand clutching that bag ty for the trip down memory lane

  89. 89
    devans00 says:

    I wonder if the basket will include the weird Tootsie Roll flavors like orange, lime and the blue one. Not sure what flavor that one’s supposed to be.

  90. 90
    kathie says:

    Everyone, especially me loves a tootsie roll. i try to keep one in my pocket for an emergency occassion.

  91. 91
    michelle says:

    I love tootsie rolls. I love how they can last forever if you don’t bite them, with such a chocolatey taste

  92. 92
    jennifer h says:

    I am drooling all over myself right now! :)

  93. 93
    Mitzi says:

    New here. dont know about the old site but this one is great! And tootsie rolls are just right! My son is dieting and this is what I buy for him for his sweet tooth. He gets the satisfaction of chocolate and sweetness without a whole bunch of calories and the chewing lets him savor the taste. Way to go giving some away!

  94. 94
    Kathleen S. says:

    Ooooh, I love Tootsie products. My fave is Tootsie Pops, especially the raspberry ones.
    P.S. This site looks really nice!

  95. 95
    michelle rosborough says:

    Lots of candy !!!!

  96. 96
    Miranda Allen says:

    tootsie pops are Great

  97. 97
    Sandy Y says:

    I love Tootsies! Both the original chocolate and the Fruities.

  98. 98
    Amanda G. says:

    Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!!! :o)

  99. 99
    colleen says:

    Was just doing a web search for turin candy, and came across your review, which was right on. In reply to the lady from boston looking for turin candy, she can try any liquor store. Thats where I got single size pieces of the jack daniels and grand marnier chocolate. They usually have them on the front counter, near the register.
    Thank you for a great site, and the tootsie giveaway, yummy :-)

  100. 100
    Suzie says:

    What a SWEET Site. I have loved just clicking around in here. It makes me smile and hungry at the same time. I look forward to looking around more. The colors are great!

  101. 101
    fayee says:

    wow i never win but hope i do!!

  102. 102
    fayee says:

    I would lovvvvvvvvvvve to win some CANDY!!!!!!!!!!

  103. 103
    Becky Grady says:

    I love Tootsie Rolls. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  104. 104
    Angela Dickey says:

    Thanks for the contest. My kids love tootsie rolls!!

  105. 105
    Lisa says:

    tootsie rolls love them !!! they come in all shapes and sizes just like we are LOL

  106. 106
    kt says:

    I’m eating some right now LEMON, ORANGE, And LIME Flavored!!!!!

  107. 107
    Courtney says:

    During the week of training at my summer job, our supervisor always offered Tootsie Roll Pops to enjoy when the energy during the day become low. And yes, I was one of those kids that kept the wrapper because it had a cowboy with a star on it!

    I can never find those blue vanilla ones however…

  108. 108
    Kate says:

    Yum. There is nothing more satisfying than a chewey gooey chocolately tootsie. especially when encased in a fruity shell!!! I’ll always remember the first time I ate a Tootsie Pop. I was five and I spit it out because I thought the tootsie inside was a bug! Once I found out it was really chewy chocolate, I loved them and I still do.
    ~Candy-lovin’ Kate

  109. 109
    Mia J. says:

    I love the original chocolate tootsie rolls as well as the fruit flavored ones.

  110. 110
    Kate says:

    I absolutely adore Tootsie products. To me, A tootsie roll is like a beloved childhood memory. I entered this contest but it was the wrong email address. Sorry!
    ~Candy lovin’ Kate (again)

  111. 111
    jody agerton says:

    Tooties~ you have been there since i was a tiny weenie little girl.
    Short and stubby, & long and cool….
    Chocolate wore me out then came those awesome fruity tooties, just when I needed you most, (while I took care of my mom when she was dying of cancer),,,,
    the circle has come round and now I am all grown up.
    What’s you got for us these days, my constant forever friend?

  112. 112
    Mac Bale says:

    I absolutely adore Tootsie pops. My friends and I tried to make them once, but it didn’t work out so well! I guess we’ll just have to be satisfied with buying them instead. Haha. I missed the other 2 giveaways, so I’m hoping I’ll get lucky this time! Amazing giveaway!
    Thank you!

  113. 113
    julio vasquez says:

    this is the best and candyaddict is back tootsie candy are the best like the one of orange flavored.

  114. 114
    Bill Ream says:

    Great job on getting the site back to normal?? I guess. But any ways who does not love chewing down some tooties’ every once in a while. Great candy and lots of flavor. I hope to win. Pick me Pick me…!!

  115. 115
    Sumayyah says:

    Ohhhhhhhhhh Tootsie goodness! I would be in Heaven if I won….yay…pick me ;-)

  116. 116
    Tammy says:

    Heck…ANY KIND of candy is winning to me!!! You know the saying “it’s like a kid in a candy store”, well I’m an adult in the candy store and LOVE IT! Pick Me =P

  117. 117
    KristieLou says:


  118. 118
    Joye Taylor says:

    Thank You for the contest.Ive loved tootsies for years.

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