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Candy Review: Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme

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Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Cream Bar

(Image from BuhSnarf at Flickr)

The only white chocolate bar that has successfully managed to find a niche in mainstream candy aisles is Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme. Yes, I know there are other products out there like Zero, but they are very regional in distribution.

I am not so sure what makes the Cookies ‘n’ Creme bar all that appealing to the masses, since Americans tend to dislike white chocolate, but for some reason, the adding of cookie pieces (and smartly never advertising itself as white chocolate) has allowed this confection to achieve great success.

The candy debuted in 1994, capitalizing on the cookies and cream flavor craze that began in the eighties when the flavor first materialized in ice cream form.

The smell of a Cookies ‘n’ Creme bar is reminiscent of white chocolate mixed with Oreos. The surface is a bit waxy, and though I didn’t consume it chilled, I have a feeling it would have tasted better that way because the snap of the bar was rather nonexistent and flimsy.

Though from the top you can see it’s a white chocolate bar, when you look underneath you discover all the cookie bits pooled on the bottom. Taking a bite, I got an immediate textural juxtaposition between the gooey (not sure why it was so soft) white chocolate and crunchy cookie bits.

The taste of the chocolate is creamy, milky, and yes, a little overwhelming. The flavor combined with the cookie bits is somewhat a cross between the filling in an Oreo and the ice cream flavors this bar is modeled after.

The Cookies ‘n’ Creme bar is a little too strong for my liking. I know many people out there who adore it, and I see why. My opinion is that the flavors work, but the chocolate setting is congested. In ice cream, a matrix that is far calmer on the throat, it excels superbly.

Buy Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme Online:

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4 Responses to “Candy Review: Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme”

  1. 1
    laurie says:

    Wow, this takes me back… I always used to buy these at the dollar store when I was a kid. Haven’t had one in years – I wonder if I’d still enjoy it or if it would be too sweet for me now?

  2. 2
    Susan says:

    I have never liked white chocolate so this candy bar will not touch my lips. Dark chocolate rules!

  3. 3
    Mark Jochim says:

    I used to crave the Cookies-n-Creme bars but haven’t had one in several years. I think I’ve seen them at the supermarkets here in Thailand so perhaps I’ll buy a few this weekend. Now, if only I could find Reeses Peanut Butter Cups here — I’ve looked off-and-on to no avail…

  4. 4
    Val says:

    This is WAAAAAY too sweet. It’s hard to find quality white chocolate, but Lindt does a great job!

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