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Candy Review: Dark Secrets Dark Chocolate Bar

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gourmet Candy

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Bloomsberry and Co. Dark Secrets Chocolate Bar

It’s a new year, and don’t you think it’s time to try a dark chocolate from New Zealand? Of course you do. I noticed this black package with a silhouetted girl whispering into a man’s ear. The motto on the front reads: “The Best Secrets are Like Chocolate, Dark and Only Shared with Someone You Can Trust.” Dark Secrets is made by Bloomsberry & Co., and the label describes this bar as being “infused with a delectable sense of humor and superior ingredients.”

I’m not sure I know what a sense of humor tastes like, but I’m willing to learn.

Inside, the bar is wrapped first in foil, then with a nifty red and black interior label with some graphical flair. And believe me, this chocolate is worth the extra protection. Dark Secrets is 55% cocoa, and indeed tastes like it’s made from the superior ingredients promised.

So time now for the eating. Simply put, this chocolate is delicious. To me, it’s in the perfect middle ground between milk chocolate (often too sweet), and that kind of dark chocolate that doesn’t even taste like candy or (in bad cases) tastes like a bitter plant. Instead, Dark Secrets is very flavorful like quality dark chocolates, yet sweet enough to be a toothsome treat. I think I’ll try one more piece.

Now that the entire bar is gone, I can report that Dark Secrets also had a great snap to it, excellent cocoa butter feel (without tasting oily or fatty), and an aromatic, slight fruit aroma. Wow, those kiwis at Bloomsberry & Co. know what they’re doing. That was great stuff.

So, okay, I don’t remember laughing from the astounding wit of this bar’s alleged sense of humor, but like a good comic, this chocolate made me feel good, and hungry for more.

(Note: If you live near a World Market, I just saw this bar there on sale for $2.78. For 3.5 oz of chocolate this good, that is a steal. I’d pay double and be just as happy to chomp down on some delectable Dark Secrets. And don’t worry, you can trust me not to share them.)

Buy Bloomsberry Chocolate Online:

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9 Responses to “Candy Review: Dark Secrets Dark Chocolate Bar”

  1. 1
    Susan says:

    ooo sounds yummy! and just in time for valentine’s day! Wish I could get some here in the USA.

  2. 2
    frith says:

    *feels patriotic right now* nz chocolate is amazing!

  3. 3
    Tara says:

    NZ chocolate is great because thier dairy is richer than anywhere else. I have lived in USA, NZ and Australia, and NZ dairy is creamier and richer than anywhere else.

  4. 4
    Nico says:

    Hi Susan,

    They’re available in the USA, via the online links or at World Market if you have one near you.

    Happy tasting!

  5. 5
    Casey says:

    They had ones for x-mas at Raley’s for 99 cents each from the same company. I bought three, and I can agree, they are delicious! It has to be some of the best chocolate I have ever tasted. My all time favorite is Original Hawaiian Chocolate Co. If you ever see chocolate from Bloomsberg in NZ BUY IT!

  6. 6
    Casey says:

    I don’t know what I was typing… Bloomsberry AND Co.. Im tired!

  7. 7
    Alex says:

    I’m on my way to NZ in a couple of weeks . A great place to visit. Can’t wait to find in a Dark Secrets Bar.
    Sounds yummy

  8. 8
    kiki says:

    wow wow wow wow wow wow that sounds sooooo good if only I could find it at world market. Does this website have it though?

  9. 9
    Giles says:

    I appreciate your comments about the humour on Dark Secrets, Not one of my best efforts I agree. Anyway you may be please that we have stopped selling the Dark Secrets design and have a whole bunch of new ideas that may tickle your fancy a bit more. You may also be pleased to hear that for some time now we have been making all of our chocolate for Europe in Switzerland and that we are moving all of of our chocolate making to our one facility in Switzerland so that we can be as hands on with the making of or bars as we are with the design. We tried contracting out in the USA but it hasn’t really worked as we were not able to be as hands on as were were back in New Zealand. Unfortunately to supply the world with chocolate New Zealand was not the best location so we packed up our bags and moved to Europe. With our Swiss chocolate makers we now have real confidence as to where our ingredients come from, we can make sure there are no additives etc and as we are all together in one place we can make chocolate for the world that we are as proud of as the boxes they go in. Currently we are making a 75% cocoa Dark, a 3% cocoa Milk and we use the same Milk chocolate to make our Milk chocolate with Hazelnuts- my favourite. We are also working on a Fairtrade/Organics range which we are very excited about. Thank you again for your comments. Giles from Bloomsberry

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