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Candy Review: Kickbrix Energy Chews

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Candy with Caffeine,Energy Candy,Sugar-free Candy

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Kickbrix package
Have you ever woken up in the morning, dragged yourself into the shower, then slowly gotten ready for work because you are so darn tired? I’ve had those days before, and they are horrible. I go through the day, not quite able to wake up and just wait for the day to end. When I have those kinds of days, I sometimes have an energy drink in order to give me a boost.

With so many different energy products out there, it kind of gets overwhelming sometimes. There are energy drinks, energy shots and energy pills to choose from, so many products that sometimes it’s hard to decide what to use. I’ve never been a fan of energy pills; in my experiences the energy pills give me so much energy that I have to keep moving around or else I feel like throwing up. Instead I prefer energy drinks, but sometimes I don’t want to drink all those calories.

I had a chance to try Kickbrix energy chews. I was excited to try these because sometimes energy drinks are too much for me; I never finish a whole can and feel like I’m wasting my money. These chews seemed perfect; they are small, chewable and only 25 calories. Plus, their website looks pretty awesome.

However, good looks and marketing may be all these chews have going for them. They come in two flavors; Berry Blast and Citrus Blast. I decided to try Berry Blast, only because anything berry can’t be that bad, right?

When I first opened the package, the first thing I thought of was Starburst. These chews look just like them and even had the same texture as a Starburst. They were soft and chewy, but as I continued chewing, I immediately thought that Kickbrix tastes like something the dentist would give me just before getting a dental impression. It had a minty taste, and left a fresh gum-like taste in my mouth. The berry flavor was somewhere in there, but not very prominent. It also had a sour taste to it.

While chewing, I noticed that it didn’t break apart in my mouth like some candies do. It reminded me of those wax bottles that I used to eat when I was young. I couldn’t chew it for very long because the flavors in this chew did not mix well together. I ended up spitting it out. But surprisingly,  I didn’t have to wash my mouth out because as soon as it was out of my mouth, it felt like I had just brushed my teeth. I guess that minty taste worked in its favor.

As for energy, I’m not sure if I didn’t chew it long enough or what, but I didn’t feel any sort of energy boost from it. My guess is that I would probably need to actually chew it for awhile and ingest it before experiencing any type of energy from this product, but I didn’t even last that long.

Has anyone else tried Kickbrix? If so, what did you think? How would you compare them to any energy products that are on the market today?

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5 Responses to “Candy Review: Kickbrix Energy Chews”

  1. 1
    laurie says:

    These sound very strange – in my opinion, mint doesn’t really go with anything but itself (chocolate excepted). I’ll be sticking with my morning cup of coffee.

  2. 2
    Harold says:

    They do have a slight sour taste. But I liked them. Citrus
    is a better flavor. Felt more alert for a while after one
    or two chews anyway.

  3. 3
    Diana says:

    Maybe I needed to chew another one in order to feel more energy. I DO require about 5 cups of tea in the morning to feel awake. :)

  4. 4
    Robby says:

    I kinda wish candy would stop trying to do anything but taste good… anywho, you’re braver than i for trying this candy. great article and welcome to staff!

  5. 5
    Harold says:

    I usually need a couple o’ cups o’ joe to get going in the AM myself. But after about two or three of these
    chews, . . . Bam: I’m on. Eyes wide open. Seriously. Wish they tasted more like candy but they don’t.

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