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Candy Review: Airheads Pops

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My favorite candy company that I can never remember is Perfetti Van Melle. Born out of the fusion of Perfetti (Italy) and Van Melle (Netherlands), this company boasts one of the largest confectionery operations in the world.

But, if you don’t recognize the name, you might be wondering what they make. Well, aside from their long list of gums and mints that enjoy mostly a European audience, Americans can buy their famous Mentos and Chupa Chups quite easily in their hometowns.

Oh yeah, they also make Airheads. For those who aren’t familiar with Airheads, they’re an elongated strip (as opposed to a circular blob) of taffy/chew known for their sweet flavors. I’ve actually been a fan of this candy for some years, finding it to be a perfect snack when you don’t want something as filling as a candy bar.

So I was eager to try these new Airhead Pops when I spotted them at Walgreens. Airheads have always been good on delivering flavor, so I reasoned that since the most important aspect of a lollipop is its flavor, these might stack up pretty well.

Blue Raspberry: These appear similar to Dum Dums. The color is dark blue. Unlike most blue raspberry flavors, this isn’t sour, just a little tart. It’s not too sweet, and even though I don’t typically enjoy this flavor in candy, I didn’t mind it because of the mellow quality. I was also surprised by just how long the flavor lasted.

Strawberry: The taste is again a little tart, but not sour. Strawberry/floral notes spread from the piece, tasting like a syrup or jam. I was reminded of eating strawberry Sour Punchsans the sour powder.

Watermelon: There is a strong, artificial watermelon flavor, mimicking the exact flavor of the Airheads taffy flavor, which always tasted like Hubba-Bubba to me.

Apple: This piece is tart, reminiscent of the regular Airheads version. It retains the same flavor concept as the Charms Blow Pop, but is more sweet than sour. This is the sort of flavor you get from Granny Smith apple juice.

Cherry: This cherry was tart and woodsy, causing me to draw taste comparisons with Cherry Heads. It has that classic overtly strong and cough syrup twist to it that many older cherry-flavored candies possess.

Grape: My favorite of the six was grape. It was the same grape found in Bazooka Joe, a nice balance between grape juice and jam overtones.

My overall impression with Airheads Pops is a positive one. Though there were flavors I preferred more than others, none of them were unlikable. I think I still prefer the classic version just because I love chewy candy more than hard candy, but these are great for when you’re in a lollipop mood. Each is only 25 calories, and this fact coupled with their small size makes them great for those who want a little sugar in their diet, but nothing that will put them on edge.

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