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Candy Review: Twizzlers Mixed Bag

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Variety of Mixed Twizzlers

Photo by Anthemic Tangle

I love licorice. So when I came across a value pack of mixed Twizzlers flavors it was like Christmas came early. The bag had a bunch of flavors I’d never heard of, along with some that were more familiar. Each flavor is wrapped in its own cellophane pouch so you can take your time making your way through the bag and you can open as many or as few as you like at any given time. Very convenient and a good way to make the bag last!

Strawberry Twists: The most familiar in the bunch were the strawberry twists. These come two to a pack and are about 1/3 the size of a regular Twizzler. These have an artificial strawberry flavor and are a little softer and less waxy than regular Twizzlers. I don’t mind a bit of waxiness in my licorice so I didn’t find the wax factor off-putting in any of the flavors.

The rest of the bag consisted of different Pull-n-Peel flavors. These bits of licorice pull apart into licorice ropes like I used to eat when I was a kid, except these have way more flavor. I have to confess that I love to play with my food. So playing with the Pull-n-Peel flavors was almost as much fun as eating them!

Pull-N-Peel Licorice Combos.jpg

Photo by Anthemic Tangle

Twisted Punch Pull-n-Peel: There are three strands each of grape, lemon, and orange twisted together to make the twisted punch flavor. I liked the flavor of the three combined – an artificial, light tropical fruit punch flavor, with a consistency that’s a little waxy and lightly chewy. But I had even more fun pulling these apart and trying them in different combinations. Then I got really creative and started mixing them with the other Pull-n-Peel flavors. Fun!

Wild Berry Pull-n-Peel: Like the Twisted Punch, the Wild Berry is really easy to pull apart and play with. To me, these were the waxiest of the bunch, and I enjoyed them much more as individual strands then I did biting into the whole punch.

Cherry Pull-n-Peel: These were tough to pull apart. I had the most luck pulling two strands at a time – pulling just one caused them to break. The cherry taste reminds me of a slightly waxy, milder form of a wild cherry LifeSaver and I enjoyed just biting into the whole bundle as well as eating the strands.

Green Apple Pull-n-Peel: I think “Pull-n-Peel” is a misnomer for these: I just couldn’t pull apart the strands, no matter how many different packs I opened or how many strands I tried to pull at the same time. Where some of the other flavors are a bit waxy, the green apple flavor is really doughy and chewy. These were the only ones to really stick to my teeth. The green apple flavor was fun, but I’d have enjoyed it more if I could have mixed and matched the individual strands.

I’d definitely buy this bag of mixed goodies again. I like having a choice of different flavors and I find pulling the pieces apart oddly relaxing and fun.

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: Twizzlers Mixed Bag”

  1. 1
    Anne @ Pink Galoshes says:

    This is super helpful. I adore Red Vines, so I am excited to try the strawberry variety! Thanks for posting.

  2. 2
    Robby says:

    i got hooked on twizzlers as a kid from my dad, so i expect licorice to have that waxy taste. odd, i know. i haven’t had the sour apple or tropical variety, but from your review it sounds as if i should give the latter a go. great pic of twizzler art.

  3. 3
    Cadence says:

    @ Anne: Glad to be of help! You’re a Red Vines fan, huh? Well, I’ve got a post coming about Red Vines vs. Twizzlers and I hope you weigh in on the great debate!
    @ Robby: Glad you enjoyed the Twizzler art. It tasted good, too! I love to play with my food. I am, in fact, a rather large child.

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