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Halloween Candy Review: Gummy Brains

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gross Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy

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Gummy Brains

When I went to the Swedish Fish Party a few weeks back, I salvaged the evening by buying a few varieties of Halloween candy I hadn’t tried before. Unfortunately, it was so overpriced I didn’t buy very much, and what I did buy got devoured on the subway on the way home. So, I didn’t get a chance to review any of it. Last week, we were ordering stuff from Oriental Trading for Halloween gift bags when I saw the very gummy brains I had bought at Dylan’s Candy Bar and decided this was my chance to give them a proper review!

The brains are multicolored with blues, oranges, whites and pinks on peach backgrounds. They’re not quite globular, but instead are somewhat squashed. The brainy ridges are the only thing that make these actually resemble brains; luckily, their flavor redeems them.

Advertised as being flavored with real fruit juice, these actually do taste rather fruity. The different colors don’t really have different flavors, but instead they all taste alike – a nice, mildly sweet nonspecific fruity flavor. In terms of texture, they’re a bit denser than I like in my gummies, but not jaw-crackingly so.

If you’re looking for a nice, inoffensive candy to add to your candy bowl this Halloween, give these a try. And if you see a zombie coming towards you this Halloween, toss a few of these his way – I’m sure they taste better than real brains (what wouldn’t?).

Buy Gummy Brains Online:

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2 Responses to “Halloween Candy Review: Gummy Brains”

  1. 1
    Robby says:

    I see these year-round back at my local ralphs in la. I always wondered why anyone would make a brain-shaped gummi, and never equated it with halloween because of their ubiquitous presence. Thanks for solving my mystery!

  2. 2
    nirty says:

    Bought these the other day, and really didn’t like them. Tho the ones I took had a liquid interior… these ones don’t look very different. It’s a funny shape, and special for Halloween, that’s for sure! I bought a few of them to give away, but not for me. :)

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