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Candy Review: Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate

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Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate

Hello, Dove chocolate. Where have you been all my life? Apparently Dove first hit the streets with the Dovebar ice cream treat in the 1950s. Since then Dove offerings have trickled onto supermarket shelves, and now there are cookies, chocolates, and ice cream (and speaking of Dove ice cream, you should really try it if you haven’t. The pints have a top layer of chocolate, so you break through the chocolate barrier to get to the ice cream. I cannot emphasize enough how incredible this is).

But, I digress. The matter at hand is some new chocolate from Dove, namely three flavors of the Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate line. The flavors are Roasted Hazelnut, Blueberry Almond, and Peanut Toffee Crunch. Each 3.53-ounce box holds three individually wrapped bars, which psychologically might be a good thing, since you can avoid feeling guilty if you eat just one of the wrapped packages.

Here is a breakdown of the three flavors:

Roasted Hazelnut: My first impression of this flavor was the scent. The bar has a nice, chocolaty aroma, which made me hope for a full chocolate flavor. Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed. The chocolate wasn’t particularly flavorful, and it certainly wasn’t smooth and creamy, which is what I want in a milk chocolate bar (and hello, these are called Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate, right?). The firmness and texture of the bar could be attributed to the finely chopped hazelnuts, but then you’d think the hazelnut flavor would be strong. It’s not. If I hadn’t known the bar contained hazelnuts, I doubt I would have been able to pinpoint the nut. But, if you’re an overall nut fan, you might be pleased, as the bar does have a strong nutty aftertaste.

Blueberry Almond: I was not very impressed with Blueberry Almond. It has the same nutty texture and flavor as the Roasted Hazelnut, and I couldn’t taste the blueberry at all except in the aftertaste, which wasn’t entirely of blueberry but more of an unidentifiable, slightly fruity taste.

Peanut Toffee Crunch: The toffee element isn’t very strong in this bar, which could be considered either positive or negative. There’s a slight sticky crunchy factor from the toffee, but it isn’t overpowering at all. But the peanut? I didn’t taste nuts in this bar at all. The chocolate, though, was a bit smoother than in the other two selections, so I will call this one my favorite!

I think it’s great Dove is offering more variety in their chocolate choices, and I’m sure there are plenty of people who will enjoy these interesting new flavors, but me, I think I’m going to stick with the original milk chocolate!

Buy Dove Chocolate Online:

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7 Responses to “Candy Review: Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate”

  1. 1
    Christine says:

    Bluebery chocolate? I don’t know– While I’m a big fan of raspberry & Chocolate together, this just doesn’t do it for me. I think I’ll stick to the original too. ;)

  2. 2
    Miguel says:

    I’m not a fan of Dove but I love the blueberry almond!

  3. 3
    Mrs.Reece's Cup says:

    I prefer the blueberries separate from the chocolate. While I don’t think it will be a good combination, my friend insists that I try it. I guess I will for now. ;)

  4. 4
    James says:

    We have the roasted halzenut / Berry and nut variants in or Galaxy brand alternative in the UK. Like you found I wasnt overly impressed by either of them to be honest – I cant pass comment on the toffee crunch unfortunately :( ..seems like it could be worth a try!


  5. 5
    Reni says:

    Blueberry and chocolate together seems to work well for Harry & David, but I’ve been unimpressed with Dove chocolates so far. I’m not a huge milk chocolate fan, but when I do want it, I want it to be better.

  6. 6
    Eliza says:

    I actually bought two of the Dove dark chocolate bars of this brand yesterday at Kroger (they were on sale 2 for $3) and tried some last night. I’d been buying Cadbury dark chocolate, and I thought THAT was good…boy, I was MISSING goodness. Not only is it easier to bite into (Cadbury’s bar is a LOT thicker), but it has a richer taste as well. I’ll be buying Dove from now on.

  7. 7
    Glucoholic says:

    We’ve been consuming the sugar free Dove Rich Dark Chocolates with Chocolate Creme for an upcoming review and I must say that I can’t imagine how good they would be with real sugar! Curse you diabetes!

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