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Candy Review: Hershey’s Marshmallow Creme Kisses

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Hershey Kisses Marshmallow Creme

This guest review was written by Laura Kaspick….

Back in December 2007, Candy Addict reviewed the Chocolate Marshmallow Hershey Kisses. While the reviewer had hoped that these were going to have a marshmallow fondant center, she was disappointed to find that the Kisses were actually just solid marshmallow flavored chocolate. A solid Kiss is certainly less interesting than a filled one, but I was still intrigued and hoped to track down the limited edition offering. Unfortunately, months passed without any luck and I was certain I had missed my chance.

Imagine my excitement when half a year later I finally spotted the elusive Chocolate Marshmallow Hershey Kiss! There they were in the candy aisle of Walgreens, with the same poofy marshmallows and chocolate sauce on the packaging and the same silver and brown checkerboard patterned foil wrappers that the Chocolate Marshmallow had. But after a closer look, I realized that there was something much different about these marshmallow Hershey Kisses. These were not the same product that had escaped me for so long – instead, these were Hershey Kisses “filled with marshmallow flavored crème”! While this confirmed that I had indeed failed to find the December marshmallow version, I was stoked to try the new crème-filled variation.

Hershey Kisses Marshmallow CremeAs soon as I opened the bag I got a strong whiff of artificial marshmallow flavoring. I unwrapped a Kiss, and found the familiar glossy, light brown outer chocolate shell common to most filled Kisses. I suspected these Kisses would be comparable to the New York Cheesecake and Vanilla Crème editions, and further investigation proved I was right. The inside is the same hard fondant crème, and the off-white color is not quite as yellow as the cheesecake but not quite as bright white as the vanilla crème. The marshmallow flavor is very sweet and pretty fake tasting. It tasted a bit of what I can only describe as “toasted” and there seemed to be some hints of graham flavoring. If they were to re-market this, I think it could be called the “Smores” Hershey Kiss, and this would reduce the likelihood of confusing it with the prior version.

Although marshmallow and chocolate are my favorite flavor combination, I was a little less than impressed with this Kiss due to the strong artificial taste. Still, kudos to Hershey’s for introducing yet another fun edition, and it’s definitely worth buying at least one bag.

Buy Hershey Kisses online:

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5 Responses to “Candy Review: Hershey’s Marshmallow Creme Kisses”

  1. 1
    Michael says:

    Wouldn’t that combination infringe upon the the “Marshmallow Bar” if they were to have a marshmallow center?

    And on another note how many times does the word candy come up for the security word?

    RESPONSE: We got to pick the security words and they are all candy-related (and of course, candy is one of them)

  2. 2
    Me says:

    Thank you for posting that these were at Walgreen’s! I went the other day and found a bag, and I’m in love. Yay!

  3. 3
    Kiss collector says:

    Hershey should re-release these with small bits of graham cracker mixed in the chocolate = smores! I’d buy them.

  4. 4
    Sparkina says:

    I’ve tasted the Marshmallow Creme kisses and I rate them D.
    You see, I have my own personal candy rating system. I rate candy kind of like movies are rated.
    NFC — the lowest rating, stands for Not Fit for Consumption
    NFC-10 — Not fit for consumption by anyone over the age of 10
    CBB — Could Be Better
    A — Acceptable
    T — Tasty
    QT — Quite Tasty
    IT — Insanely Tasty
    D — the highest rating — Divine.
    Yes, Hershey’s Marshmallow kisses are divine. Satiny and decadent, more like a fancy dessert than a candy, HMKs are soft, rich, and melt-in-your mouth, with that inside-of-a-toasted marshmallow flavor, what’s not to be divine? Too bad they come in those BAGS instead of the single-serve sleeve packs. That IS a test of my willpower

  5. 5
    Casey says:

    I whole-heartedly agree Sparkina! I love marshmallows!!

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