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Candy Review: Hershey’s Kisses with Macadamia Nuts

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Hershey’s Kisses with Macadamia Nuts

You may have noticed that we here at Candy Addict go a little nuts over the Hershey’s Limited Edition Kisses. Well, a good friend of mine recently went to Hawaii, and she brought back a bag of the Hershey’s Kisses with Macadamia Nuts. I haven’t quite figured out if these are limited edition or simply limited to sales in Hawaii.

These Kisses feature Mauna Loa macadamia nuts (Hershey’s acquired Mauna Loa in 2004) and were first introduced in Hawaii in 2006. There’s a milk chocolate and dark chocolate version. Happily, I got the milk chocolate version!

Okay, here’s where I fess up that I am not a huge lover of macadamia nuts. Given a choice, I would generally select a non-nut version of a candy, but if I have no choice? Bring on the macadamia nuts! Now, in my favor, these Hershey’s Kisses with Macadamia Nuts don’t boast a strong nutty taste. You might think these Kisses would have a whole nut in the center, but then you would be wrong! These milk chocolate Kisses have teeny little chunks of macadamia nut in them. They are so minuscule, in fact, that they are practically negligible. I do think, however, that there’s a hint of macadamia nut in there that lends a subtle, nutty flavor to the creamy milk chocolate.

So, these might not knock your socks off if you’re a big fan of macadamia nuts, but they are still tasty and will appeal to a large audience.

Buy Hershey’s Kisses online:

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18 Responses to “Candy Review: Hershey’s Kisses with Macadamia Nuts”

  1. 1
    ajewel says:

    If there were whole macadamia nuts in there, I would have been surprised (and Hershey’s would have had to charge like $20 for the bag). Macadamia nuts are expensive!

  2. 2
    martymankins says:

    Ok, I am so trying to find these here in the states.

  3. 3
    Robert B. says:

    Another one we won’t be able to get in the main 48 (unless we make a BIG stink about it). At least there aren’t some Alaskan exclusive white chocolate seal flavored ones.

  4. 4
    u8mypinkcookies says:

    wow! Kisses + macadamia! perfect! :)

  5. 5
    Julie says:

    I got all excited until I got to the part about the macadamias being just tiny chips. Sigh. Oh well. I’d rather have a CHUNK of a nut, but I’m sure these still taste good! If I see ‘em, I’ll let y’all know!

  6. 6
    Melanie says:

    When I saw this posting on your blog…I was like, ahh!!

    I understand the whole only putting little bits of the nut in the kisses because…well, we know macadamia nuts are not cheap! BUT don’t put a picture on the front of the package depicting that there is a whole nut in the center!

    Otherwise, great idea and I am going to be a sucker and buy a bag for myself :)

  7. 7
    HawaiiVacationGifts says:

    I live in Hawaii and can clear up a couple of things. It is not a limited edition, but it is limited to only being sold in Hawaii. The macadamia nut piece is as big as it can be in the center of the Hershey kiss, so not a whole nut, but not a tiny bit either.

    I posted a review earlier today on my blog, and offer them for sale online:)

  8. 8
    Maui Melody says:

    Hawaiian vacation gifts is right…Hershey will only send to Hawaii to sell…but lucky we have someone like Hawaii vacation gifts to sell to us on the mainland…especially for us Kama‘aina’s…who live on the mainland…Mahalo, Maui Melody

  9. 9
    Amy Ha says:

    So, I just came back from the Big Island of Hawaii 4 Days ago, and when I saw these at the Mauna Loa Plantation I must have to have them. I am not a chocolate fan, but it was only sold in Hawaii and they are absolutely so good and addicting. It is so worth purchasing them and try. YUMMY!!! :)

  10. 10
    kcard5 says:

    I myself lived in Hawaii for three years and was there at the release of these. Being in the military I had the pleasure of only paying 3.49 a bag on the base. However, if you purchase them in town they are about a dollar more a bag. They were so easy to become addicted to, and there was quite a bit of nut in them. Now, I was just there in May, I bought 35 bags to bring home with me. I have been sharing them with co-workers, coaches and family. But, I am really disappointed! About half of each bag are missing the nut completely! I contacted Hershey’s about it and they sent me $6 in coupons. I again contacted them, it’s more than a refund, it’s quality assurance. And, when I want a mac nut, I want a mac nut, not a plain kiss. They said without a receipt they will only reimburse up to $25, well, I sure hope they check their recipe and their machines and whatever else they need to check to get the kisses right!!! I won’t buy in bulk from them anymore.

  11. 11
    Mallory says:

    I LOVE THEM! My hubby and I spent his R&R in Hawaii and we fell in love with them. The ones we purchased do have a whole, or at very least half of a macadamia nut in each one. I have got to figure out how to get some more because they are so addictive.

  12. 12
    Ashley says:

    These are limited to sales in Hawaii only. The best deal is at Cost-Co. You can get a huge bag for under $15. The macadamia nuts inside are large. I absolutely love them.

  13. 13
    Ashley says:

    P.S. You can buy them and have them shipped to the mainland from ABC stores:,1522.html

  14. 14
    Vinnie says:

    My Wife’s boss just came back from Hawaii and gave her a bag of them. Yumm! Ours had good sized peices of macadamia nuts in them although I would’ve perferred a full size nut (but beggars can’t be choosie! lol!) Still a great product. I wonder why Hershey only makes them for Hawaii!? Maybe once the word gets out Hersey will add the rest of the States. Anyway, Hershey found a good use for all the small broken nut peices!

  15. 15
    Paul says:

    I just came back from Hawaii last week and I brought home 6 bags of this stuff for co-workers and friends.

    All gone!! :-(

    They are indeed great. But at $4.75 per 8-oz bag at ABC stores, they really are pricey! :-(

    And as someone noted, you can get the “jumbo size” version (can’t remember the weight… 1- or 1.5-pounds?) at Costco warehouses — but only the ones in Hawaii. Much better value.

    Still… Depressing that Costco won’t ship to the Mainland! :-(

  16. 16
    Becky says:

    I was just given a bag of these from someone returning from Hawaii. I am so disappointed – I know my Hershey’s Kisses, and I swear this chocolate is different. It doesn’t have that distinctive Hershey’s flavor and instead tastes more like cheaper quality Halloween or Easter chocolates. Do you think maybe they use a cheaper chocolate to compensate for the cost of the macadamia nuts? We had the milk chocolate version. Maybe the dark chocolate is better.

  17. 17
    You guys were holding out on me | Sushi the Great says:

    [...] These were not your standard silver wrapped Kisses, but an unfamiliar teal wrapping. They were Kisses with Macadamia nuts, and they are delicious! Turns out that a coworker picked up a bag of these lovelies while visiting [...]

  18. 18
    Rebecca says:

    My name is Rebecca and I’m a Casting Producer for the TLC show Freaky Eaters. We’re launching into our second season and looking for NUT FANATICS!!!

    For more info or to nominate someone for the show, send an email to with your name, number, and brief description of your eating habits.


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