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Gum Review: Epic Gum

Categories: Candy Reviews,Gum,Sugar-free Candy

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Epic Gum

When I opened a package addressed to me at Candy Addict, I expected the usual assortment of sugary treats sent by most candy manufacturers. Instead, a bright blue box with the words “Cavity-Free Kit” shone up at me. I wondered if the delivery was my dentist’s idea of a joke. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t want rotten teeth, and have only had one cavity in my entire life (in a baby tooth!) – but as a lover of sugar, I was hoping for a box of sweet stuff.

Curiosity was definitely beginning to overtake disappointment, so I opened the box to find out exactly what a Cavity-Free Kit really is. Inside, I found boxes of gum and mints, a tube of toothpaste, and a bottle of mouthwash. Directions were included with the kit, and after poking through all the boxes to check out the gum and mint flavors, I read about Epic’s ideas for a healthy mouth. Apparently, the sweetener xylitol is key.

Problem number one that I have with Epic is that the directions for obtaining a healthy mouth include using Epic products six times per day. Yes, six. The manufacturer stresses that you can choose the combination of products to add up to six, but I don’t like requirements on my gum and candy. I do, however, love sugar-free gum, especially in pellet form, and was quite excited to give the four flavors a try.

Spearmint: It was okay, but not spectacular, and tastes a little like mouthwash. The flavor seemed to almost disappear after a few chews, and within a short couple of minutes, I was done with the gum. No staying power whatsoever.

Peppermint: Pretty much the same deal as Spearmint. Nice at first, but then the flavor was gone and I was left chewing a small, soft piece of nearly tasteless gum.

Fresh Fruit: I was immediately struck by the similarity in taste to Fruit Stripe gum. I used to love Fruit Stripe when I was a kid, so I was thrilled to taste a reminder of it. Sadly, again, no staying power, and the gum was in the trash long before other sugarless pellets usually get discarded.

Cinnamon: I have a special place in my heart for cinnamon gum. The zing and freshness usually wakes up my mouth and makes it feel refreshed without tasting like toothpaste. Epic’s version was pretty good, but like all the other flavors, lost its taste quickly and became too soft.

The only thing that really thrilled me about Epic’s gum is the quantity in the packs (which retail for $6.50), but let’s face it – as Candy Addicts, we prefer quality over quantity.

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