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New candy on the way from Nestle and Wonka

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy,New Candy

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Nestle logo
Wonka logo
Nestle/Wonka doesn’t have a lot on the way for us in 2008, but what they do have packs a punch:

  • Wonka Giant Chewy Nerdswe reviewed Giant Chewy Nerds already and they are fan-freakin-tastic. In stores now for $0.69-$0.89.
  • Wonka Tinglerz – Remember Nestle Buncha Crunch? They were small, bite-sized pieces (globs) of Nestle chocolate and crisped rice. Imagine those but now add in popping candy and you have Wonka Tinglerz. We tried them at the All Candy Expo and they were quite good. Look for a full review from us soon (we have pre-release bags of them in hand) and look for them in stores around the end of September, 2008 at a price of $0.69-$0.89 fro a 1.8 oz bag.
  • Nestle Chunky Dark Giant – A 4.5 oz dark chocolate bar with peanuts and raisins and scored into four pieces. “Great to share.” Available end of September, 2008 for a retail price of about $1.29.

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2 Responses to “New candy on the way from Nestle and Wonka”

  1. 1
    sophie says:

    i love candies candies candies
    they are my life!
    but in my opinion, the skittles are the best

  2. 2
    Mike says:

    Where can I get Nestle Chunky Dark Giant bars? Can they be ordered on line?

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