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Candy Clothing: The Ultimate Footwear for a Candy Addict

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Candy Clothing


Xhilaration Candy Shoes

One of the first things I do upon meeting someone new is to check out their shoes. Although this probably makes me shallow and superficial, you really can learn a lot of helpful shallow and superficial information about someone by glancing at their footwear. Obviously, I go through life assuming that people will likewise judge me by my shoes. And knowing this, you can imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this pair of adorable, candy-themed canvas flats.

Were I to meet someone while strolling about in these shoes, I’d hope that they’d deduce the following facts about me. First, they would see that I am the type of person who chooses footwear based on its ability to allow me to run from predators. They may then note the playful color scheme or the adorable Mary Jane styling of the shoe and then decide that I’m a girl who appreciates a cute, versatile pair of shoes. But most importantly, they would see the playful lollipops and wrapped candy and be certain to realize that I love the sweet stuff. This may cause them to produce from purse, pocket or fanny pack the appropriate sweets that would therefore buy my love or friendship. Genius plan, no?

You can find the Xhilaration® Suzi Mary Jane Skimmers online at and as of now, they’re already being offered at a discount. No excuses, candy-loving ladies (and gentlemen with dainty feet)!

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4 Responses to “Candy Clothing: The Ultimate Footwear for a Candy Addict”

  1. 1
    Julie says:

    I saw a pair of these this weekend when I was playing at the Tucson Folk Festival. If not for this article, I’d never have known what was actually imprinted on the shoes since the design is so tiny and I didn’t have my glasses on to see 5 feet 7 inches to the ground! They are cute, though I’d rather wear something much bolder and brassier, like a yellow background, red-themed “Atomic Fireball” designs or a purple Violet Crumble shoe!

  2. 2
    Sea Hag says:

    maybe the girl who did the Skittles dress could start making some rad candy shoes!

  3. 3
    oakling says:

    yeah! skittles shoes!
    these look cute in the picture, and i love the gender-non-specific pitch here ;)

  4. 4
    oakling says:

    oh and it IS a genius plan – it reminds me of college, when we’d shave our heads just to get all the fuzzy-head-petting that naturally follows!

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