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Candy Review: Indiana Jones’ Mint Crisp M&Ms

Categories: Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Limited Edition Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

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Mint Crisp M&Ms Package

They’re finally here! The long awaited Mint Crisp M&Ms that we heard were coming out in time for the new Indiana Jones movie are finally on shelves. And not a moment too soon! Between my eagerness to see Indy in his new geriatric adventure glory and tasting the new M&Ms adventure that Mars has planned for us, I could hardly contain my excitement when I found these in the store. It was like finding Indy’s candy holy grail in a way.

The M&Ms are not the only new candy with the Indiana Jones tie-in. There’s also the Snickers Adventure Bar that I reviewed back in January. The plain Milk Chocolate, Peanut and the new Mint Crisp M&Ms are outfitted in new themed packages and they are quite attractive I admit (more so than the Shrek and the Pirates of the Caribbean ones M&Ms). Of course the Mint Crisp ones are a special limited edition flavor tied to the movie like the White Chocolate Pirate Pearls were.

Mint Crisp M&Ms

The bag smells very powerfully of mint when you open it; I was actually surprised by how strong it was. They taste powerfully too – these are easily as strong as an Andes Mint and quite possibly more so. The mint flavor is very fresh and has a very cool feeling in the mouth. I felt refreshed and all clean from just eating one. Biting a few of these to see the cross section they’re pretty uniform in terms of chocolate-to-crisp ratio – a 1:1 I’d say. This lends to a wonderful chocolate hit with a great crunch and I believe the mint is all lurking in the candy shell. The texture is great as I’ve always been a fan of the Crispy M&Ms, and out of all the M&M characters I identified most with Orange simply because I have a tendency to be a worry wart too.

The size varies greatly with these M&Ms. Some are the size of a pencil eraser, others are as big as the Razzberry M&Ms and everything in between. There are three colors: standard green, a light spring green and white. The “M” logo on some is normal whereas others incorporate a cute design: a tribal head with the “M” in the headdress, a temple, an M wearing Indy’s signature fedora, a skull, and the “M” surrounded by decorative compass rose.

Now, I consider myself not big on mint flavoring, much less in chocolate, but I consider myself hooked on these. Maybe the fact that they’re crispy is partly what sold me, but they do taste really great. Need I say more?

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14 Responses to “Candy Review: Indiana Jones’ Mint Crisp M&Ms”

  1. 1
    Jgarrett says:

    I was debating picking up a bag while I was shopping, I think I might have too now.

    I love Andes!

  2. 2
    Courtney says:

    I bought these at the grocery store last week and they’re good, but I think they’d be better if the crispy part was more like an oreo and less like a rice crispie. I was expecting a chocolate crisp and found the the rice crisp to be a little disappointing and somewhat out of place with the minty chocolate.

  3. 3
    Beck says:

    I tried these this weekend, and I loved them! I was surprised at how minty they were. I am hooked!

  4. 4
    Sarah says:

    Yumm!!! Oh man, this is gonna kill my diet, isn’t it? LOL! Oh well…gotta live once and eat chocolate first, right? ;)

  5. 5
    TwizzlerHiccup says:

    Ooh! They are so cute! I think I’m going to buy a couple bags just to look at the designs on them, LOL.

  6. 6
    AntFan says:

    Dang good… . WEIRD shapes. Low quality control, or maybe that is what they were shooting for.

  7. 7
    Tracy says:

    *squeals with joy*

  8. 8
    Astrid says:

    I’m going to have to try these!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    - Astrid

  9. 9
    Marty Mankins says:

    I’ll be picking up some of these. I miss the crispy M&Ms and these are the closest thing to them.

    Plus it’s Indy.

  10. 10
    Marcella says:

    Your review inspired me to hunt these down, and WOW am I impressed! They reminded me of teeny tiny versions of Thin Mints (my favorite Girl Scout cookie). Delish!

    And in my humble opinion, these would be fantastic as an ice cream topping.

  11. 11
    Nicole says:

    my fiance and i were soooooooooooooo impressed with these M&M jewels that we’re using them as a favor in our wedding! The only problem? We can’t find enough bags anymore! I didn’t realize they weren’t going to be around very long… and they were gone before we bought enough bags!!! :( Too sad!!

  12. 12
    Bear says:

    Completely sold out within a week. Had I known I would’ve gotten one more bag at least.. *cries*

    They were amazingly tasty and my only hope is that they sell well enough to become a regular item.. *fingercross*

  13. 13
    Tomcat says:

    When I saw the bag said “crisp” I thought “no way… they’re bringing crispy back?” I had to feel the bag to see if it was true. These things better stick around.

  14. 14
    oknko says:

    Try freezing them, they’ soo much better that way.

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