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Candy Forums Relaunched

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways


(There’s a candy giveaway in here – read all the way to the end.)

We’ve had candy forums here at Candy Addict since about February of 2006 but I started them back before we had any traffic so they really didn’t take off and I removed the link to them. For a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of relaunching them so I ran the idea by the Candy Addict Staff a few months ago and they were all for it. Last night I finally figured I would do it so I upgraded the forum software and put a link to the candy forums back in the top navigation menu.

Use the candy forums to ask general questions about candy, tell everyone about a candy you love (or hate), reminisce about candy from your childhood, let us know if you found a great new candy, or even if you found a candy at an incredible sale price.

I moved our Name That Candy column to the forums too since I got so many “Name That Candy” emails I couldn’t keep up and this way, it will be public and everyone can help figure out the candy. There’s also a forum for Candy Addict site feedback.

Really good posts in the forums can and will be promoted to the blog (and you’ll be rewarded if you signed up on the forum with a real email address and I can contact you). I and the Candy Addict Staff will be hanging out in the forums frequently and we have a few discussions going on it there right now – feel free to jump in or start a new topic.

Unfortunately, your Candy Addict blog login is different from your forum login, but you could register in the forums with the same name/password as your Candy Addict user to make it easy or you.

And… if you have read this far… the author of the best new topic in the forum (as determined by me and the Candy addict Staff) in the next 7 days will win a candy prize pack from Candy Addict which will include such candy as Twix Java, Snickers Rockin’ Nut Road, Toxic Waste Sour Candy Spray and many others.

forums, giveaway, contest

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2 Responses to “Candy Forums Relaunched”

  1. 1
    Philly says:

    Forums!! **cheers**

  2. 2
    Philly says:

    “I’m so sorry – the requested URL:
    does not exist.”

    No more forums?

    RESPONSE: temporary server glitch – fixed now. :)

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