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Candy Review: Finnska Strawberry Bites

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Licorice Candy

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Finnska Strawberry Bites

Another month, another delicious delivery from Licorice International’s Licorice of the Month Club. Truly, who could ask for more from life? This time around, I got to try Finnska Strawberry Bites, which are a red cousin to the black Sweet Finnish Licorice I tried last year.

Like the black, this red licorice from Finland is short and tubular, but there the similarities end. Unlike the black, the red is extremely moist and sticky to the touch. It’s a pleasant red color, but you have to lick your fingers after each piece or risk getting sticky muck all over the keys on your keyboard. That in and of itself would usually gross me out to no end, but here the surprise comes in – the flavor. They’re good! Really really good. Sweet and fruity (no natural flavors here, unfortunately), there’s really nothing to complain about. They definitely beat Twizzlers – even when Twizzlers are having a really good day – so if that’s your kind of thing, go get some… now! You won’t be disappointed.

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: Finnska Strawberry Bites”

  1. 1
    Sera says:

    Ohh, I LOVED these too. Probably the best red licorice I’ve had since Panda discontinued the strawberry flavor. So, so good!

  2. 2
    oakling says:

    Aw, college memories. My best friend in college had a huge tub of Twizzlers that she ate her way through for years and years… or at least months. Weeks? I should get her some of these!

  3. 3
    Neil says:

    Dude- Love the post on the Finnska. I too was the proud recipient of their shipments for the past 12 months, and I think the Finnish products were the best.

    Your comment about the finger-licking to avoid gooey keyboard syndrome is, well… key. I very much agree.

    On the licorice front – has anyone tried Black Ace? I just saw some at whole foods — and due to bad packaging I thought I was buying a red and a black package only to learn I bought two different red flavors, neither of which I found that great, and both of which were too sticky for my preference.

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