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Candy Addict Is Expanding (and I don’t mean our waistlines)

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News


Candy Addict

UPDATE: We are no longer taking applications

If you’ve ever wanted to get paid to write about candy (and get free candy to review), now is your chance! Candy Addict is looking for some more writers to add to our staff!

What are we looking for in a Candy Addict writer?

  • Excellent writing skills
  • A love of candy
  • The ability and time to write a minimum of 5 articles a month for the site
  • A sense of humor that comes through in your writing
  • Familiarity with HTML – you don’t have to be an HTML guru, just have some basic knowledge

What will you get out of writing for Candy Addict?

  • Money. Yes, you will be paid for your writing. You will be paid based on the site’s monthly profits. As the site grows, so does your income. It’s not enough money to quit your day job, but it’s some extra spending money. The more articles you write, the bigger your paycheck.
  • Free candy. We get lots of free candy to review and you will get some (but you’ll have to write a review of it).
  • A paid writing gig to put on your resume.
  • No deadlines. Write when you can.
  • A limited-edition email address!
  • World-wide fame and notoriety. (Ok, I lied about the last one, but all the others are true)

If interested, send me an email at REMOVED with the subject of:
(obviously, put in your name). If you don’t use that subject in the email, it will get filtered to the trash, so make sure you get it right. Send the email before midnight EST, Feb 8, 2008 CLOSED. I will keep the application window open until that date or until I receive 50 applications – whichever comes first. The applications come fast and furious, so if you want to apply, do it early.

Consider the email you send a cover letter. Make me want to find out more about you and make me want to hire you. In the email, include some samples of your writings about candy or your writings on any topic (or URLs to your writing) and tell me why you want to be a writer for Candy Addict. Impress me in the email – it’s your only chance to make a first impression with me. In this first email I’m looking at your writing skills. If I like what I read, we’ll proceed to the next application phase and I’ll give you more details on the job and answer questions you might have. You must be 18 years or older to write for Candy Addict.

If you want to be a writer who gets free candy samples to review, you must live in the U.S. If you are outside the U.S., you can still write for us and get paid (in U.S. dollars), but you would get no free candy from the U.S.

The complete interview/application is about a 3 week process. If hired, you will start writing for the site March 1, 2007.

Good luck!

UPDATE: Just to be clear, reviewing candy is only part of the job. You will be expected to write non-review articles about candy just as much as you write reviews. I don’t think I made that clear above. Also, if you do apply, you probably won’t hear back from me one way or another for at least a week (when the application window closes).

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8 Responses to “Candy Addict Is Expanding (and I don’t mean our waistlines)”

  1. 1
    Meaghan says:

    Done and done! Thank you for the opportunity! I’ve been waiting for this post for a long time! :-)

  2. 2
    Julie Nicolay says:

    Finally! I’ve been chomping at the bit for a chance to write for this site, ever since discovering it JUST after you’d had your last hiring. I’ll be writing that email now…just let me go get something sweet to eat while I’m doing that…

  3. 3
    Heath says:


  4. 4
    Astrid says:

    Done! It would be *sweet* to get such a gig. It might justify my addiction to Special Edition Hershey’s Kisses…

  5. 5
    Laurie says:

    I’m all over it! Do you want the e-mail to be a totally formal cover letter, or should I try to make it more fun in order to reflect my personality and writing ability?

  6. 6
    JGarrett says:

    I’ve been so wrapped up in work that I missed this post and just today got the chance to sit down and read your posts. I am utterly devastated in my lack of response to such an amazing opportunity. Well maybe next time.

  7. 7
    the_canuck says:

    Shoot, I missed it also. I’ll make sure to try out next time…

    Oh, quick question: Is it open to Canadians, or do you only hire Americans?

  8. 8
    the_canuck says:

    Ok, I just reread the post and got an answer to my question. That was dumb…

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