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Candy Addict site news – traffic, magazine, hiring, Twitter

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News

I have a few site-related items to share with everyone…..

First, we’re in need of some more staff writers. Keep your eyes peeled for the “Help Wanted” call article SOON.

2007 Traffic
Candy Addict 2007 traffic totals

(click to enlarge)

I recently took a look at the 2007 traffic numbers for the site and was amazed at the actual totals! Here they are (click the graph above to see them all):

  • almost 1.5 million visitors
  • averaging almost 150,000 unique visitors per month for the last three months
  • 12.8 million pages viewed
  • over 60 million hits
  • 769 GB of bandwidth used

Our thanks go out to all of our regular readers and to those people that have linked to us from other sites and blogs. This could have never happened without you!

Smart Computing Magazine

Smart Computing

Recently, a friend of mine noticed that Candy Addict made it into a print magazine! We’re in the magazine Smart Computing, February 2008, Vol.19 Issue 2, Page(s) 42-43. They had many good things to say about us:

When it comes to candy, blogger Brian Pipa knows what he’s talking about. He and his staff of sweet-toothed writers post several reviews or candy-related news items every week. Sure, it sounds like an easy (and tasty) gig, but the Candy Addict folks take their reviews very seriously. They even travel to the yearly, trade-professionals-only All Candy Expo to stay up-to-date on the latest confections. The reviews are often humorous but always detailed, which means you’ll know just what to expect when you pick up that bag of suckers. The blog’s search engine lets you scour the archives for posts about particular candies.

[read this online at the SmartComputing site]

I went to Borders yesterday and bought the magazine. There’s something about seeing your site in a magazine that makes it seem real. We’re on the same page where they talk about and – both bigtime websites. If you happen to be in a bookstore in the next few weeks or so, go find the magazine and turn to page 42 and see us in print!


I have started Twittering about behind-the-scenes Candy Addict stuff. It’s full of topics that aren’t really worthy of their own post here on the site, but that might be interesting to true Candy Addicts. Here’s the Candy Addict Twitter page if anyone’s interested. Somehow I already have 16 followers before I have even announced it.

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5 Responses to “Candy Addict site news – traffic, magazine, hiring, Twitter”

  1. 1
    JEP says:

    I’ve personally had lots of fun & learned many interesting facts as well as feeling I’m better inform when I purchase products I have read about here on Candy Addict–thanks! Congratulations on the SmartComputing mention!

  2. 2
    Charlie says:

    Candy Addict rules. You deserve it!

  3. 3
    Alissa says:

    Nice stats well done :)

  4. 4
    Julie Nicolay says:

    That’s great about the inclusion in “Smart Computing,” Brian, congratulations! You know how many of us absolutely LOVE this site and can’t go without checking in daily, or more than once a day, and that chart shows how many more folks have found you, so you have your loyal followers and believers increasing every day…fabulous!

  5. 5
    Heath says:

    I found this site about six months ago, I read it every day. CONGRATS!

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