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Wrigley Trivia Contest – win free gum and mints!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways,Classic and Retro Candy,Gum,Holiday Candy,Mint Candy

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Life Savers Ornomints
Good news Candy Addicts! Our friends over at Wrigley are showing the holiday spirit and want to share some of their great products with Candy Addict readers! We’ve decided to have a Wrigley Trivia Contest to determine who gets the free goods!

Wrigley Heritage Tin - SpearmintThere will be 5 winners, each will receive 3 Wrigley Heritage Tins (Juicy Fruit, Doublemint and Spearmint) and 3 Life Savers Orn-o-mints (in red, green and blue). The first person to submit the correct answers will win one prize pack and the other four winners will be randomly chosen from all correct winners.

Here are the details on the prizes:

Wrigley’s Heritage Tins are decorated as your favorite Wrigley’s flavor, Doublemint(r), Spearmint(r) or Juicy Fruit(r) and contain (12) five-stick packs of gum; four of each of these well loved brands. The vintage inspired tins fit wonderfully in a stocking or add flavor to any holiday coffee table or countertop. Post holidays when the gum has been chewed, the tins can be re-used to organize and store small household or office items.

Life Savers Orn-o-Mints are the perfect holiday gift or entertaining accent and are filled with iconic Life Savers candy. When decorating a tree or your home for the holiday, Life Savers Orn-o-Mints are a perfect compliment. Available in three colors, blue, red and green, the ball shaped “orn-o-mints” are a fun edition to any holiday setting. They can also be used to spice up any holiday gift when tucked next to a gift tag.

Wrigley Heritage Tin - Juicy FruitOk, you’re ready to find out how to enter and win, right? First, make sure you are a registered Candy Addict (this helps weed out the spammers and the Candy Addict poseurs). Now, take the trivia quiz and you should get 7 answers.

Send an email to:
DELETED with a subject of Wrigley Trivia Entry. In the body of the email, send the 7 character string that represents your answers. For example, if you think all the answers to the questions are “a” you would send aaaaaaa to us. Also in the email, include your Candy Addict username and the email address you used to register. So, an example entry from me might look like:

Wrigley Heritage Tin - DoublemintYou MUST follow these instructions to the letter – I will set up a filter that tosses any entry that doesn’t follow these instructions, so you could fail to be entered to win even if you have the right answers.

Ok, enough rules, on to the questions. These are tough ones too. They even consulted the Wrigley Librarian (seriously) to come up with these questions.

UPDATE: NOBODY got all of the questions correct!

  1. Which of these Wrigley brands is the oldest?
    • a. Wrigley’s Spearmint
    • b. Peppermint
    • c. Vassar
    • d. Picnic
    • e. Juicy Fruit
    • f. Doublemint
  2. The first Wrigley brand to be advertised nationally was …
    • a. Doublemint
    • b. Wrigley’s Spearmint
    • c. Juicy Fruit
  3. What does the “P” and “K” stand for in P.K. gum?
    • a. Philip Knight
    • b. Packed tight, Kept right
    • c. Packed right, Kept tight
  4. The major media for advertising Wrigley’s chewing gum in the 1930’s was…
    • a. Car cards and billboards
    • b. Radio
    • c. Magazines and newspapers
  5. What famous cowboy was featured in Wrigley’s advertising during the 1940’s?
    • a. Roy Rogers
    • b. Gene Autry
    • c. Tom Mix
  6. “Talky Tyres” were a promotional device of the …
    • a. 1920’s
    • b. 1930’s
    • c. 1940’s
  7. When Wrigley’s brands were reintroduced during World War II, which brand had a new packaging design?
    • a. Wrigley’s Spearmint
    • b. Juicy Fruit
    • c. Doublemint

Fine print:
One entry per person. Giveaway limited to residents of the U.S. Winner must be 18 years of age or older. Void where prohibited. Winners will be notified by email. Not responsible for lost, misdirected, or unread email. Entries must be received no later than midnight EST December 31, 2007.

Good luck!

gum, mints, giveaway

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6 Responses to “Wrigley Trivia Contest – win free gum and mints!”

  1. 1
    KFSonshine says:

    So, I definitely must be missing something, but darn if that “talky tyre” thing isn’t impossible to find…Darn you Wrigley historian!!!

  2. 2
    KFSonshine says:

    oops…Darn you Wrigley librarian! No offense, Wrigley historian.

  3. 3
    phillygirl788 says:

    KFSonshine ^_^ I had problems with that question too! I ended up taking an educated guess :P

  4. 4
    RayRay says:

    ahhh man i dont live in the usa :(
    and ya that question was hard

  5. 5
    HeyItsFree says:

    Man, some of those were pretty darn tough. I’ve still got no idea if I got a few of them right or not! Fun contest though :)

  6. 6
    Hunterjlc says:

    That question gave me a hard time too.I also guessed, because short of calling the Chicago public library or the Wrigley’s historian I couldn’t find anywhere on the net.I now know more about Wrigley’s than I ever wanted or need to for the rest of my life. Good contest though! :)

    Did you know Wrigley’s once had one of the largest neon billboards in Times Square, until they donated the space for the sale of war bonds? How about the Wrigley’s spearmen? Wait, where you going? Remember the wrapper! No, come back just one more.
    Orbit gum name was originally introduced during WWII?

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