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Nintendo Wii Candy Dispenser and Mario Kart DS Candy Container

Categories: Candy,Candy Gadgets,Candy Photos,New Candy,Novelty Candy

Nintendo Wii candy dispenser

(click for SUPER SIZE image)

nintendo mario kart ds candy containerAt the All Candy Expo earlier this year, I happened upon this Wii Candy Dispenser protected behind a glass case and I had to stop. It was at the Au’some Candies booth along with a bunch of their other Nintendo-themed candy. The company showed it to me behind the glass so I never actually got to touch it but I did take the picture you see above. It looks like it dispenses blue disc candy from the top… maybe using one of the controller buttons? Perhaps these will be easier to find than a real Wii (curse you Nintendo)!

Au’some Candies has a few other new Nintendo candies coming out soon too. One of them is the Mario Kart DS Candy Container seen at left. It’s a stack of black tires about 6 inches high and it’s filled with candy. On top is a removable kick-ass Mario Kart on top about the size of a Matchbox car. Freakin sweet! (I have one and it’s great!), These are in stores now.

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8 Responses to “Nintendo Wii Candy Dispenser and Mario Kart DS Candy Container”

  1. 1
    Lanner says:

    Wow. The candy industry thinks of anything these days! That’s pretty awesome!

  2. 2
    Samantha says:

    This could make for some hilarious antics if you switch the candy wii remote for the real wii remote and take your friend on at a friendly game of wii tennis ;)

  3. 3
    scott says:

    Lol.. I should get the controller dispenser so my kids won’t ruin the real thing. I would eat the candy of course :P

  4. 4
    Keighley says:

    Hi there,

    Those sweet dispensers look great, i have nt seen them on sale on my travels yet. I do have great suppliers for my shop for Nintendo Wii JAP, Nintendo Wii PAL, Nintendo DS Lite in all colours and Nintendo controllers etc.

    Great site keep up the good work

  5. 5
    Ninteno Wii Reviews says:

    Look out pez! Great little toy, what kind of candy is that?

  6. 6
    Wii Fan says:

    That looks very great :)

  7. 7
    cheap wii says:

    This is great. Kids will love it if they can actually use the wii button on the wii controller to dispense the candies. Thanks for sharing.

  8. 8
    It's Great says:

    I bought the Wii remote one – it’s brilliant, I bought two – one to keep and one to use, fab idea :)

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