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Candy Commercial: Orbit Raspberry Mint Gum

Categories: Candy,Candy Videos,Gum,Mint Candy

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I love this commercial. It doesn’t make me want to go out and buy Raspberry Mint Orbit Gum, but it does makes me laugh every time I see it. Here’s a transcript:

  • Lint Licker: You son of a biscuit-eating bulldog!
  • Stinky McStinkface: What the French, Toast?
  • Lint Licker: Did you think I wouldn’t find out about your little doo-doo head Cootie Queen?
  • Cootie Queen: Who are you calling a Cootie Queen, you Lint Licker!!!
  • Lint Licker: Pickle you, Cumquat!!!!
  • Stinky McStinkface: You’re overreacting!
  • Lint Licker: No Bill, overreacting was when I put your convertible into a wood chipper. Stinky McStinkface!!!!!
  • Cootie Queen: You Hoboken.


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12 Responses to “Candy Commercial: Orbit Raspberry Mint Gum”

  1. 1
    JEP says:

    Commericals just keep getting more strange but also fun!

  2. 2
    Cat says:

    I love the way she says lint-licker. Makes the insult sound almost vulgar!!

  3. 3
    Tiffany says:

    I believe its “Pickle you Cumquat”

  4. 4
    Sarah says:

    This commercial makes me laugh every time!

  5. 5
    remi says:

    mmmm…. this candys are good its my favorite!!!!!!

  6. 6
    KFSonshine says:

    HAA! Love this one! I agree with Tiffany; it sounds like she says “Pickle you, kumquat!”

  7. 7
    Patti says:

    I agree w/Tiffany; it’s “Pickle you, cumquat!” This commercial is hilarious and my kids have taken to quoting the lines all the time.

  8. 8
    Sweetness says:

    OMG………….this commercial is so funny i like dis 1 betta den all da otha ones

  9. 9
    Bobert the Great says:

    I love this commercial! It makes me laugh everytime I see it! Me and my friends act this out all the time.

  10. 10
    alex says:

    omg i love this comercial we are going to record us doing it and put it on youtube!!!!!!!!!!

    yo yo yigity yo

  11. 11
    lAUGHT3R says:

    i love this commercial. but yet it dont make me wna go out and but the guy.. ha ha ha.. you lint lickerr. =]

  12. 12
    kiersten says:

    hahaha!!!! i love this commercial!!! Me and my friends act it out alllll the time!!!!sometimes i go on youtube and watch it over and over again!!! i laugh every time!!!!;D

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