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Stay warm this winter with a Tootsie Roll Scarf

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy

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Tootsie Roll Scarf

Tootsie Rolls can do more than just fill your belly with delicious chocolate-y goodness. Thanks to the good people at Fred Flare, they can now keep your neck warm too.

If it weren’t for the fact that 1) I don’t wear scarves and 2) my coworkers would mock me relentlessly for wearing a giant Tootsie Roll wrapper, I’d consider getting one. Perhaps I’ll get one as a gift for a candy-loving friend of mine this holiday season. The scarf is 5″ wide, by 74″ long. Imagine the size of the Tootsie Roll that would fit in there!

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2 Responses to “Stay warm this winter with a Tootsie Roll Scarf”

  1. 1
    Sera says:

    Oooooo, I *live* in scarves! Gotta look into this…. :D

  2. 2
    JEP says:

    Very cute!

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