There are many happy unions in the Candy World. Some candy pairs just seem made for each other: chocolate & peanut butter, chocolate & mint, hard candy & bubble gum, strawberry & banana, black licorice & the garbage can… the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, the new Wonka SweeTARTS Rope with Nerds filling is no such union. In fact, it seems to be a marriage of convenience in the Wonka family of products.
The Wonka SweeTARTS Rope consists of a red, chewy gummi tunnel filled with a blue liquid and rainbow Nerds candy. Each package contains two candy ropes, about seven inches long. In my packages of SweeTARTS Ropes, some of the blue liquid candy escaped from the gummy canal and leaked into the bag. This is likely because they came in the mail, but it is worth mentioning because it is rather messy situation.
Luckily, one of the packages is in good condition with not much escaped blue goo. The gummy rope of each SweeTARTS Rope candy is a thick, cherry-flavored tube. The blue liquid inside each one is the consistency of paste. Classics Nerds candy is embedded in the blue paste. I’ll now break down the flavors, part by part.
Rope a.k.a. Tunnel: The rope is thick and a little too chewy for my taste. I like my gummis to have some consistency, but this was more like licorice. This might have been okay, except for the taste. The cherry tastes a little too artificial for me, like cherry cough syrup. The aftertaste is unpleasant, but not terrible.
Blue Paste: This part tastes decent, like the typical blue SweeTART flavor. It is tart, tangy, and sweet. This is good on its own, but the flavor gets lost by the overwhelming cherry of the rope.
Nerds: I imagine that the Nerds are their usual tasty selves inside the rope. However, you cannot really taste the Nerds distinctly since they are drowning in the blue SweeTART River. Some of their candy coating melted off and blended into the paste. The Nerds basically serve to add a crunchy texture, which I can’t say I enjoy within the context of this gummi rope. I’m still unclear as to why they didn’t put pieces of SweeTARTS in there instead of Nerds.
I think the biggest problem with SweeTARTS Rope is all the competing flavors and textures. They work against each other instead of being complimentary. I also can’t get past the cherry flavor. It’s overpowering and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I lose the flavors of the blue SweeTART and the Nerds (both of which I enjoy on their own) with the taste of the syrupy cherry tunnel. SweeTARTS Rope is not disgusting, but it is not a candy I would seek out again.
Buy SweeTarts Rope online:
- at Candy Crate
- in bulk at Candy Direct
- in bulk at
“black licorice & the garbage can…”
i just laughed out loud while eating cornflakes. not a pretty sight. :)
September 13th, 2007 at 8:52 amI tried these Sweetarts Rope too and didn’t much care for them either. Too much going on, messy, and SUPER-sweet. I know most candy is mostly sugar, but these seemed over-the-top. Definitely for kids and not adults.
September 13th, 2007 at 9:05 amI guess this is an acquired taste for a more refined palate.
September 13th, 2007 at 10:21 amHey! I take offense at that black licorice remark! Now if you had said atomic fireballs and the garbage, that I might have agreed with…
September 13th, 2007 at 2:19 pmI tried these and was pretty disappointed. I agree that the cherry flavor is much too artificial and well, OK, for me, awful. I gave it a good effort, though, and almost made it through one of the ropes. Nope. Not for me. I’m not a big cherry candy fan since most of them taste artificial to me, but this was one of the worst. I DID like the inside blue “paste” flavor, though! I love SweeTarts, and tart things in general. If they’d paired that with say, a raspberry or grape tube, now that might’ve been another story!
September 13th, 2007 at 2:49 pmI had a serious addiction to these candies and it was all about the texture. There was something intensely pleasing about the candy. I think I ate two bags in a row one time (so four ropes) and I practically felt the diabetes onset.
After that, no matter how much I liked the candy I had to stay away.
FYI…when I try to post comments with my url in the website box I think it stays in limbo because it thinks my “NewsCat” address is a bad word?
September 14th, 2007 at 12:47 pmAww, I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy theese…I buy them from a local Maverik, and they’ve never been “ozzing out, or messy”. I just ate one right now…and personally I can’t even really taste the cherry rope, but I absolutely love the texture!!!
September 22nd, 2007 at 9:56 pmI think ive figured out what it is…different packaging contains different recipies of ropes. I have always had a different package of them, and i love them. But now i have a package like the one you have pictured above, and it was very chewy, and my jaw hurts now… :( sad…
October 5th, 2007 at 7:36 pmHi,
November 29th, 2007 at 2:24 amI need information on some candy. What better place than the Candy Addict? When I was young about 42 years ago we use to go to the Meier and Frank Store in Downtown Portland Ore. M&F is now the Bon. They had a candy counter that sold these little round perfume type balls. They were translucent, cruncy, hard. Made with sugar and filled with liquid. It must have been rose and violette. Do you know where these can be found…was I dreaming… does anyone remember these. They must have been from Europe. Thanks
I just tried these.. Garbage kind of describes it, but to me it tastes like that nasty sweetness of almost throwing up.. Like a vomit flavored bertie botts..
I couldn’t eat more than two bites.
January 1st, 2008 at 10:05 pmI agree with “Cat”! I was so nauseated by the taste of bile from this seemingly sweet candy that I really wanted to write Nestle and tell them they owe me some reparations. lol
January 10th, 2008 at 12:41 pmI bought this yesterday for my 8 year old daughter. She said, “Daddy, this tastes like throw-up” and handed it back to me. I thought she was over-exagerating so I tried it. She was 100% right. This tastes like vomit. It went right in the trash. I can’t believe this awful tasting trash is even sold anywhere.
Do yourself a favor & stay away from this product!!!
February 15th, 2008 at 4:56 pmI did write to complain about the VOMIT taste and recieved an e-mail back stating they are aware of this “unusual taste” and have discontinued the rope candy….
April 5th, 2008 at 11:10 pmThat evening after eating this candy I had a severe migrain (it lasted a day and a half) but i slept for 16 hours ….What is in that candy ?
I am 50 yrs old and love the SweeTarts rope. I can’t get enough of them. I love the chewyness of the outside and sour of the inside. I am usually a licorice (any flavor) addict, but these have me addicted. I loved the texture.
June 4th, 2008 at 5:31 pmI love these! Haha, I have trouble finding them though. Maybe there was a bad batch; I’ve had thtem several times and they never tasted like puke? Who knows.
November 11th, 2008 at 9:43 pmI loved these too. The CVS used to sell them, then they stopped. I’m getting concerned that another fave candy of mine has bit the dust. :-(
December 5th, 2008 at 1:27 pmThe rope for me wasn’t chewy, it was more like a brick!
December 27th, 2008 at 2:21 pm