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Chocolate Wine, How Divine!

Categories: Candy,Candy Beverages,Chocolate Candy


Liquid Chocolate

We’ve all heard of how chocolate and wine pairs for those among us who have richer tastes. But Chocolate Wine? Yes, you can rejoice, it exists!

Shallon Winery in Oregon specializes in unique wines using whey and fruit to produce many tempting flavors, one of which is a Chocolate Orange wine. According to owner/wine maker Paul van der Veldt, the mixture, which sports a 10% alcohol content, is more of an intense alcoholic chocolaty syrup. The wine is very thick, syrupy and intensely chocolaty and your imagination is the limit for serving suggestions.

Shallon Winery is located in Astoria, Oregon, and welcomes visitors. If you’re in the area, it’s worth a stop in for a tour and tasting. The Chocolate Wine sells for $32 per 12 1/2 fl oz bottle, so you’ll have to splurge a little for this unique treat. If anyone has the pleasure of tasting this, please let us know how it is! Shallon Winery also makes other exotic wines such as Lemon Meringue Pie wine and Blueberry wine!

chocolate, wine, alcohol, Oregon

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2 Responses to “Chocolate Wine, How Divine!”

  1. 1
    NewsCat says:

    Wow I’ve *been* to that winery. It was so adorable. When I was there *maybe 10 years ago* it was run by this little old man who was like a cute gnome showing us all the wines. I hope that older gentleman is still around.

    They make really interesting wines. Some totally different flavors. (I remember a cranberry wine I tried to introduce to my family at Thanksgiving). It’s not for everyone (and most of them were very sweet when I was there, but it was definately different.

  2. 2
    Sacha says:

    I have not tried the wine from this particular winery, but I have tried chocolate wine, which is apparently and unfortunately becoming more widespread. This sounds very similar to what I tried, from the “Chocovine” Dutch brand. It was horrible. A few friends and I had just returned from France where we had acquired tastes for good (although sometimes cheap) wine and chocolate, so one girl thought it would be fun to have a tasting that combined the two. None of us could take more than two sips. It didn’t taste like wine at all, especially not red wine. More like vodka mixed with disgustingly sweet chocolate milk. If you’re into that, go for it. It also formed this weird layer of oily film on top of the “wine” if you let it sit. Absolutely awful. Again, I have never tried this particular brand, but I would caution against spending $30 for this miserable experiment.

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