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Candy Review: Limited Edition Retro Starburst

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Limited Edition Candy,New Candy,Soft Candy

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Starburst Retro

Starburst has finally jumped onto the Limited Edition bandwagon that so many other candy brands have been jumping on. While shopping at the local Wal-Mart, I came across these Retro Flavored Starburst at the checkout line. While the package is decorated in a Tie-Dye motif, indicating a 60′s theme, the flavors (or at least their names) actually span the 60′s-90′s.

Starburst Retro - Wrappers

The five flavors included are Disco Berry (70′s), Hey Mango-rana (90′s, Hey Macarena anyone?), Optimus Lime (a nod to 80′s Transformers character Optimus Prime) and Psychedeli-Melon (60′s).

Disco Berry – this flavor is kind of hard to pin down, I’d say it’s sort of combination of Strawberry and Raspberry, and perhaps a little bit of Cherry in there as well. Overall my favorite of the four.

Hey Mango-rena! – not bad, I’m not a big fan of Mango, but this was pretty good, with a “light” Mango taste, and perhaps a little citrus thrown in the mix as well.

Starburst Retro - Unwrapped

Optimus Lime – The funniest (or punniest) named of the bunch, the Optimus Lime has a very strong lime taste, which is both sour and tart, enough to make my mouth pucker a little. Not bad, but I’m not a big fan of lime in general.

Psychedeli-melon - Tastes like a combination of cantaloupe and perhaps lemonade. A nice and fruity flavor overall.

If any of these flavor combinations appeal to you, be sure to pick up a pack soon, since they’re “limited edition.” All of the Starbursts were very soft and flavorful, but the Disco Berry is my favorite of the bunch, despite my allegiance to the Autobots.

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9 Responses to “Candy Review: Limited Edition Retro Starburst”

  1. 1
    Kris says:

    Hahahah! Wicked! Optimus Lime. That makes my day :)

  2. 2
    Heidi says:

    I bought another limited edition Starburst set, “Baja,” at a local (Portland, OR) store.

  3. 3
    Tiffany says:

    Those are so yummy! I

  4. 4
    Connor says:

    There’s also another Retro Flavor that only come in the Tropical Bags. It’s name is Punch Rocker, also my favorite of them all.

  5. 5
    Sabrina aka Starburst The Lovebug says:

    I love new retro flavors! I’m excited about the punch rocker too!!! I am currently working on a project to make a belt out of starburst wrappers, completely weaved. It takes 12 wrappers to weave a 1/2 inch, by 2 inch high segment. I’m loooking for wrappers, as many as possible. Please contact me, I will pay for postage! Please contact me for pictures, or to help!! MUCH LOVE!!!

  6. 6
    Barry Blast-to-the-Past!!! says:

    WOW! After tasting the “Disco Berry” my mouth salivated with extreme ecstasy as flavor flooded my esophagus. As the taste was too much to merely enjoy and chewing ensued, I soon found myself choking on deliciousness; stupid wind pipe. All the pleasure of an original pack of Starburst was experienced in the introduction of new flavor… One down, 11 to go.

  7. 7
    Andrew says:

    I love Hey Mango- Rena! I bought a big bag and it had 9 Hey Mango-Renas, 16 Optimus Limes, and the rest was Psychedeli- Melon and Disco Berry!
    I do not like these, and Disco Berry was the worst.
    I bought a Starburst set “Baja California” today at Walgreens.
    We do not have lime in Baja, but we have limon, a lemon lime mix.
    We have a set called “Extreme Sours” with blue raspberry, sour blueberry, raspberry, and sour peach.
    These are only found in the Pillowville Hills, OH Walgreens.
    We had a Saleston, OH Kmart, near Sulley on the Lake and about one hour away from Stingaway Falls.

  8. 8
    Andrew says:

    I loved my local CVS at Saleston- On- The- Lake. We used to buy bags with my wife Yolanda and my two kids Zach & Marie. When it closed, a smaller CVS opened. Yolanda loved the small fashion shop. I love Mangorena and the melon one! Optimus Lime is OK and I hate Disco Berry!

  9. 9
    Andrew says:

    I bought these at the CVS Grand (a CVS which sells produce). I was there for about seven hours! There waa 70 packs of these and 69 said “7/ 24/ 2006- DUE DATE) But the 70th said (DUE DATE: 2/ 27/ 2009)! For one hour I looked through the bin and for six more hours I was in the fashion shop called “CVS’s Dress and Go”! She got her facial stripe painted black,because it was fading.

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